Well in Mind: Managing Stress at Work
Health care workers prioritize the needs of others over their own needs,so self-care can be complex and challenging. During work shifts, try to engage in these behaviors:
- Working in partnerships or in teams
- Regular check-ins with colleagues, family, and friends
- Brief relaxation/stress management breaks
- Regular peer consultation and supervision
- Time-outs for basic bodily care and refreshment
- Self-monitoring and pacing
- Regularly seeking out accurate information and mentoring to assist in making decisions
- Doing your best to maintain helpful self-talk and avoid overgeneralizing fears
- Focusing your efforts on what is within your power
- Acceptance of situations you cannot change
- Fostering a spirit of fortitude, patience, tolerance, and hope
Well In Mind is here for you. Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointmentor to ask about your EAP benefits.