EXTENSION: Current Rehired Employees are eligible for Service Restoration until 7/3/2023–submit electronically
Based on feedback at the spring State of Riverside meetings, we have re-opened the opportunity to eligible rehired employees to submit years of service restoration via the link/QR code below from now until 7/3/2023. Please alert employees who do not check their Riverside emails often at huddles/appraisals/rounding of this messaging.
Current employees who have been rehired are eligible for Service Restoration
Rehired employees are eligible for Service Restoration, even if it has been more than 3 years since their separation date. This one-time exception has been extended through 7/3/2023. Employees must submit a Service Recognition Request electronically via the link or QR code below no later than 7/3/2023 to Human Resources to have, if a rehired employee, your seniority and Earned Time reviewed and bridged.
New Earned Time accrual rates (if applicable) will be effective the first pay period after the employee’s request is approved.
- Click this link to submit your request, or scan the QR Code below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RHCYearsofService