At Riverside Healthcare, we seek opportunities to support our Riverside family’s lifelong learning. We are happy to announce two scholarships for Riverside employees are now open for application. Each of these scholarships is made possible by donations in memory of how Riverside made a difference in their life’s journey.
Applications for these scholarships are due to [email protected] no later than midnight on Wednesday, 11/15/2023.
To learn more or download an application, please visit RivernetàEducation PathwaysàTuition Reimbursement & College Options/Discounts:
In addition, the Nursing Excellence Fund remains open for applications for national nursing board certification funding and for nurses pursuing their Bachelor of Science in Nursing from an accredited college.
Employee Benefit Open Enrollment begins Tuesday, October 24th, and will close at 6pm on November 13th. You will be emailed on Tuesday once your event is open and you can start your enrollment. It is important to note that this is an Active Enrollment, which means you must enroll to continue your coverage in 2024.
Please review the attached 2024 Open Enrollment Notice for details.
Follow this link to view the Open Enrollment Video:
Be sure to use Chrome, Firefox or Edge browers with sound enabled for videos and allow pop-ups for lings
Whether an employee or a patient, there are tools and skills to develop to Increase the change of verbally de-escalating a situation.
Riverside is committed to supporting Mothers in the workplace. In addition to the lactation room at Riverside Medical Center located just north of the Central Waiting Area and Coffee Shop (A153), a second lactation room has been added. The second lactation room is located in room A509. Nursing Mothers may request a wafer/code from security to access the room. Additionally, lactation space is offered in the OB/Post Partum Department. Nursing mothers may receive assistance and directions to the room from postpartum nursing station staff. For employees working in an off-site location, a designated room will be assigned by your department leader/supervisor.
Keeping a professional attitude can be a challenge, especially when a disruptive person is invested in lashing out or arguing rather than resolving a situation. Rational detachment is the ability to keep calm and stay in control of one’s behavior during an uncomfortable situation despite feelings of anger or frustration