Benefits & Resources - Page 22 of 36

Understanding Your Benefits – Updated Employee Benefit FAQs

Understanding Your Benefit – Updated Employee Benefit FAQ’s
We’ve updated the frequently asked questions document to better help you find the resources you need regarding your benefits.

Topics include:

  • Instructions to find details about the health plans
  • How to enroll when you have a status change or a Life Event (such as birth, marriage, loss of coverage elsewhere, etc.)
  • What doctors/providers are on the Tier 1 provider list
  • How to review your claims and who to call with claims issues and questions
  • Help understanding HSA eligible HDHP’s and using your Health Savings Account (HSA)
  • Ordering another medical ID Card
  • Where to find Flexible Spending Account (FSA) balances and transactions
  • How to change your retirement deferral amount
  • Using your Vision benefits
  • And what happens to your benefits when you leave Riverside

Follow this link to the full Benefits FAQ document:

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Now that you have enrolled in your employee benefits

Now that you have enrolled in your employee benefits… your new benefits will be effective Jan. 1, 2023

ID Cards

Medical ( Keep your current UMR Health Insurance ID cards to use when you go to the pharmacy or to your doctors and other medical appointments. If you are new to the plan or have changed plans, your new card will arrive in the mail by the end of December.

Dental ( You will only receive a new dental card if you are new to the plan or changed plans.

Vision ( There is no ID card for vision. You simply make your appointment with a VSP provider and they will look you up in their system.

Visit on your desktop or tablet device.  If it’s your first time visiting us, click the Login/Register button to open an account. Make sure you have your ID card handy and follow the steps to get started.

The new UMR mobile app is now live and available for download through Google Play and Apple Stores. It appears as:  UMR | Health

  • View your medical claims and access your pharmacy benefits.
  • Check in at your convenience to see if a claim has been processed and what you might owe.
  • Find a Doctor in Network
  • Learn about medical conditions and your treatment options.

Optum Bank® HSA and FSA

Keep using your Optum Bank® debit card to pay your out-of-pocket eligible health care expenses.  If you are new to the plan, your debit card will be mailed to your home address. Your HSA card will come from Empower Retirement as they work together with Optum Bank® for investing.  FSA cards come directly from Optum Bank®

Log into to register and be sure to check out the many educational resources such as videos and webinars for help with using and making the most of your HSA account.  Use the convenient mobile app to check your balance, view your claims, monitor payments, receive messages, and submit or save receipts.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) – If you have a remaining balance from 2022, you can use your Optum Bank debit card to spend down your remaining balance. You will have until 3/15/23 to incur claims and until the end of the month to submit those claims.


Discover the convenience of home delivery from OptumRx.  Home delivery is safe and reliable, and you get:

  • A three-month supply of your medication, saving you time and money
  • Free standard shipping
  • Phone access to pharmacists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Helpful reminders letting you know when to take or refill your medications

 It’s easy to sign up and start saving. Just choose one of the options below:

  • Ask your doctor to send an electronic prescription to OptumRx.
  • Visit or use the OptumRx app. From there, you can fill new prescriptions, transfer others to home delivery and more.
  • Call the toll-free number on your member ID card to speak to a customer service advocate.

Check your paystub on Friday, 1/13/2023

It is always important to regularly review your pay stub.  With the new benefit deductions appearing on the first check of the year, please take a moment and confirm that your benefit deductions are correct. 

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Well in Mind Self-care Tip of the Week

Ways to Create Structure When Life is Constantly Changing

  1. Create quiet time: agree on times at home where everyone will find space alone to engage in quiet activities, or try eating lunch alone at work to step away from stimulation
  2. Set goals each day: the act of setting goals and checking your progress is directly related to achieving them. Set small goals each day to help gain a sense of achievement
  3. Stick to a schedule: Set regular start times, end times, and frequent breaks to help you stay on track and focused and to create balance between work and relaxation time
  4. Stay connected: schedule times to talk to friends, family, and co-workers to help combat isolation and enhance feelings of community and connection
  5. Take a break from the news: If what you’re reading or watching isn’t new information, shut it down! Watching as little as 14 minutes of distressing news can increase anxiety
  6. Walk it off: Taking a quick walk around your office, home, or neighborhood Is enough to boost your mood, decrease fatigue, and increase focus and creativity
  7. Make time for hobbies: taking time to pursue hobbies can reduce the risk of depression
  8. Engage in mindfulness activities:  Practice focusing on your senses (what you can hear, smell, taste, touch, see) in this moment. Aim for 1-5 minutes. You can also focus on your breathing, noticing the sensations of what it feels like to breathe in the body.
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Emerging Leaders 2023 Cohort – Applications due 12/16/2022

As an organization, we remain committed to assuring excellent leadership in support of bringing our mission to life.

The Riverside Emerging Leaders Certificate is a 12 month program meeting for 3.5 hrs./month for non-LEM leaders who have the potential and interest to become a supervisor or a new frontline supervisor.  Students are chosen to attend based upon submitting an application (form attached) to [email protected] by 12/16/2022.

Our cohort is limited to 30 Riverside staff who commit to attending 83% or more of all sessions (see the application for class dates).

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Well In Mind Self-Care Tip of the Week

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons —most often starting in the fall and continuing into the winter months.  We have strategies that can help! It’s important to line up resources that can be put in place now, so when your tank is already low, it doesn’t completely drop as we get into these months.

  • Create and follow a schedule that designates a time for sleep, meals, exercise and self-care. This provides a welcome sense of familiarity.
  • Count the hours of sunlight as a reminder that seasonal depression is just that — seasonal.
  • Take up indoor activities such as growing indoor plants, reading, writing letters and painting.  This can give you something to look forward to each day.
  • Practice gratitude to help you feel more empowered and off-balance a sense of powerlessness that COVID has collectively provided our world.
  • Get yourself some light therapy by going for a daily walk, opening blinds, turning on lights, or using a light therapy box which mimics outdoor light.
  • Substitute cellphone scrolling with knitting, coloring, puzzles, or other similar activities..  Colors, patterns and the tactile feel of textures is more soothing to focus on. 
  • Get physical activity.  An easy in-home option can be yoga, taking the long way through your work environment, having a dance party at home with your family.

Well In Mind is here for you.  Just call 815-933-2240, option #2 to schedule an appointment or to ask about your EAP benefits.

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