Put your HSA to work
If you are enrolled in an HSA eligible health plan, you may receive an email from Empower Retirement about the tax advantages of saving more in your Health Savings Account (HSA). Did you know that you can change the amount at any time throughout the year? Below are instructions for updating your HSA contributions in your InforESS (employee self-service portal):
Questions? Contact Christi Landeck, Benefits Coordinator at [email protected] or extension 37255.
Updated Location: Riverside Employee Vaccine Clinics
Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
***No Appointment Necessary***
Walk into the Risk Management Conference Room, take the B Elevators to the 5th floor, to get your COVID-19 Vaccine. You will have the choice between Pfizer (two-dose) and Johnson & Johnson (single dose). The Risk Management Conference Room will be open for Employee COVID-19 Vaccine clinics on:
- Friday, August 27 from 9a.m. to 12p.m.
- Friday, September 3 from 9a.m. to 12p.m.
Freedom From Smoking Classes
Riverside Healthcare has teamed up with The American Lung Association to provide Freedom From Smoking Classes. Classes will begin July 5, with the entire program lasting 7 weeks. Classes will be held in the Riverside Cafeteria Room A from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The cost for the program is $30, and participants can keep materials from the classes.
Class Dates – July 5, July 12, July 19, July 26, July 28, August 2, August 9, August 16.
To register or for more information, please call (815) 935-7531.
Be a part of history! Work a Shift at the Vaccine Clinic
The following shifts are open for the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic.* Please contact Deanna Booker (x31935) to sign up for a vaccination shift..
June 16 Pavilion | 11am-4pm 1 vaccinator |
June 23 Pavilion | 11am-4pm 1 vaccinator |
June 30 Pavilion | 11am-4pm 1 vaccinator |
July 7 Pavilion | 11am-4pm 1 vaccinator |