If you are enrolled in Riverside’s medical plan, you’ve heard the name SmithRx; but who are they and what do they do?
SmithRx is the company Riverside has chosen to manage your prescription drug benefits starting 1/1/25. Their mission is to provide you with effective, convenient, low-cost pharmacy benefits. They are exhaustive in their search to get you the lowest price for your drugs by applying coupons, manufacturers’ savings programs, assistance programs, partnering with innovative drug companies and much more. If your medication qualifies for any of those savings, they will reach out to you to discuss your options. Please make sure to answer the phone when they call! It could save you money!!
Be on the lookout for your new medical ID card from UMR. This updated card will have your new SmithRx information, which you’ll need to present to your pharmacist before filling prescriptions in the new year.
Once you receive your ID card, you can create an account on their online Member Portal at smithrx.com/portal. There you can find the pharmacy search tool and plan documents. If you have questions, you can chat with the SmithRx team directly from the website, www.smithrx.com. You can also call SmithRx Member Support at (844) 454-5201 or email help@smithrx.com. Their number can also be found on the back of your ID card.
If you have prescriptions you currently receive via mail order and have refills remaining, the only thing you would need to do is contact SmithRx when it’s time for a refill. They’ll handle the rest!
Please reach out to HR-Benefits@rhc.net if you have any questions or concerns about your new coverage!
Riverside Healthcare is offering an 8-week program every quarter (January, April, July, October) for smoking cessation. There is a free informational orientation and the cost for the 8-week course is $30. The program is held at Riverside Orthopedic and Spine Center.
Riverside Healthcare employees will receive $0 enrollment at Riverside Health Fitness Center during Open Enrollment!
Did you know Riverside Healthcare employees can receive a discounted RHFC membership for themselves and one additional spouse or dependent*? Those who sign up during open enrollment will also have their enrollment fee waived. Call the center at (815) 929-1200 for more details or visit us during Membership office hours for a tour!
The Membership office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am until 8pm, Fridays from 8:30am to 5pm, and Saturdays 8:30am to 2pm.
*Must be .5 FTE or higher. Limit one additional spouse or dependent. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
Flu Vaccination deadline is 10/31/24. Thanks to everyone who has a vaccination scheduled or has already received their shot. Please sign up in MyChart (call 815-928-6000 for help) or call OP Scheduling (46700) to schedule a spot for the remaining clinics:
Medical or Strongly Held Belief declinations were due 10/10/24. Reminder: If you are approved for declination, you will be required to wear a mask until the end of flu season.
Flu vaccination documentation is a job requirement at Riverside. Please read the policy above to understand this requirement and the consequences for not meeting this requirement.
The Employee Seasonal Influenza Vaccine program kicks off September 17, 2024.
Here are some important facts to know in order to receive your annual Seasonal Flu Vaccine:
There are 12 dates to select from to schedule your seasonal Influenza Vaccine in the Employee Health Office:
Hoover Location
The Employee Health Office is located in Suite 504, which can be accessed by taking the B elevators to the 5th floor. Please follow the instructions below for scheduling an appointment in MyChart. Walk-ins for the above Employee Health Vaccine clinics are not recommended.
The contraindications for receiving the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine are as follows:
People with severe, life-threatening allergies to any ingredient in a flu vaccine (other than egg proteins) should not get that vaccine.
People who have had a severe allergic reaction to a dose of influenza vaccine should not get that flu vaccine again and might not be able to receive other influenza vaccines.
If you ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a severe paralyzing illness, also called GBS). Some people with a history of GBS should not get a flu vaccine. Talk to your doctor about your GBS history.
If you are not feeling well, please wait until your symptoms have improved and you are fever free.
You may receive the Seasonal Flu Vaccine with no contraindications with a COVID Vaccine, even on the same day, as long as they are given in different anatomical locations.
The Seasonal Influenza Vaccine medical and strongly held belief declination forms can be found in PolicyStat, as attachments to the Influenza Vaccination Program Policy.
Please review the attached Influenza Vaccine Information Sheet and contact Employee Health if you have additional questions. (This is the most recent VIS from the CDC).
You may choose to receive your vaccination from an outside pharmacy/clinic. Please email proof of vaccination to employeehealth@rhc.net
You must complete the field which asks what you want addressed (you can just enter “vaccine” or “shot”).
Confirm your appointment.
Prior to arriving, from your MyChart, select your scheduled appointment and eCheck-In.
Complete and sign the consent.
Present for your vaccination.
FLUBLOK doses: If you have an egg allergy, and have received the FLUBLOCK vaccine in previous years, you may schedule an appointment in MyChart as above, and request your FLUBLOCK vaccine upon arrival. If you have an egg allergy, and have never received a FLUBLOK vaccine as an employee, please email EmployeeHealth@rhc.net prior to scheduling an appointment.
High Dose Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines are available: If you are 65 years or older, you may also schedule an appointment in MyChart as above, and request a High Dose vaccine upon arrival.
Employees in Riverside Medical Group locations:
Employees may receive their Seasonal Flu Vaccine by scheduling in MyChart for any of the above Flu Vaccine Clinic dates, or may receive their Flu Vaccine in their RMG location. Separate instructions will be emailed to those locations’ leaders. The Employee Flu Vaccine Consent must be completed, and documentation of the vaccine must be completed in EPIC.
Employees in any Senior Life Community:
Employee may receive their Seasonal Flu Vaccine by scheduling in MyChart for any of the above Flu Vaccine Clinic dates, or may receive their Flu vaccine at Miller Healthcare, Westwood or Bourbonnais Grove. Please watch for communication from your leaders.
All other Locations:
Please follow the above scheduling and vaccine clinic instructions. Additional remote or mobile clinics may be considered based on available resources. Please contact Vicky Dolan at vdolan@rhc.net for additional information