Employee Health - Page 5 of 6

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Boosters at Riverside

Do I have to get the same type of booster (MODERNA, PFIZER, OR J&J) as I got for my initial dose(s)?
You do not have to get the same booster as your initial dose(s). COVID-19 boosters are interchangeable. You are able to select which booster you wish to receive.

From a time standpoint, when am I eligible to get my booster?

  • For Pfizer and Moderna you can get a booster dose at 6 months after your second dose.
  • For J&J -you are able to get a booster shot 2 months after your vaccine.

How do I sign up for the booster clinic?
You can schedule your booster in your myRiverside myChart account. By scheduling in MyChart you are able to complete the required consents prior to arriving at the booster clinic. This helps to streamline your experience.

What if I don’t like something that is listed on the consent can I cross any part of the consent?
No. The consent cannot be altered and will need to be signed as written.

What if I can’t preschedule in myRiverside MyChart, can I just walk into the booster clinic?
Yes. Although we are asking and strongly encouraging all staff to preschedule we understand that there may a circumstance where that is not possible. Prescheduled appointments help to streamline the process and will allow for people to efficiently move through the clinic.

I have a medical condition that puts me into the category of immunocompromised, should I get the booster shot at the Riverside Clinic on 11/23 or 1/24?
If you are immunocompromised, we do not recommend getting the booster without first consulting your primary care physician. There are additional recommendations for individuals that fall into the category of immunocompromised. You may also email Chief Medical Officer, Keith A. Moss, MD, MA, FACP at [email protected] for guidance.

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Memo: Flu Vaccine Reminder

To: All Staff

From: Kyle Benoit, Senior VP & Chief Operating Officer

Date: November 8, 2021

Subject: Flu vaccine reminder

As a commitment to provide the safest environment for our patients and staff, I want to remind every Riverside team member of our annual requirement to receive a flu vaccine. While Riverside Healthcare instituted this policy seven years ago, today it is a common requirement among healthcare systems throughout the country.

All staff members need to receive their flu shot by November 16, 2021. Please refer to the Influenza Vaccination Program policy in PolicyStat if you need more information on this requirement.

While the flu vaccine is readily available at a variety of retail pharmacies, we recommend receiving your free vaccine through Employee Health.

If you have already received your flu vaccine, thank you for taking this measure to help protect yourself, your patients, and your community. If you still need to receive your flu vaccine, the flu vaccine clinic schedule is below for your convenience. Please make an appointment in MyChart to schedule your vaccine.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach Employee Health at ext. 35503.


Wednesday, November 103 to 5 p.m.Risk Conference Room
Thursday, November 118 to 11 a.m. Risk Conference Room

Be sure to schedule your flu vaccine appointment in MyChart

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Updated Location: Riverside Employee Vaccine Clinics

Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

***No Appointment Necessary***

Walk into the Risk Management Conference Room, take the B Elevators to the 5th floor, to get your COVID-19 Vaccine. You will have the choice between Pfizer (two-dose) and Johnson & Johnson (single dose). The Risk Management Conference Room will be open for Employee COVID-19 Vaccine clinics on:

  • Friday, August 27 from 9a.m. to 12p.m.
  • Friday, September 3 from 9a.m. to 12p.m.
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Riverside Workforce Health

One of Riverside’s Workforce Health is locations is in Bradley Immediate Care. This means you can visit Workforce Health for extended hours.

Monday-Friday 8:00a-8:30p
Saturday-Sunday 8:00a-5:00pm

The specially trained and experienced staff of occupational and specialty physicians at Riverside Workforce Health (Bradley) are available to diagnose and treat all occupational injuries and illnesses. With special emphasis and focus placed on work conditioning, ergonomic assessments, improving physical fitness and the close communication necessary to monitor your employee’s progress, Riverside Corporate Workforce Services restores an injured worker’s confidence, while taking steps to ensure similar accidents and injuries will not happen again.

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