Employee Spotlight - Page 16 of 57

March Birthday Celebration

Brianna Acevedo

Amy Aguilera

Kristin Anderson

Mary Anderson

Julian Andrade

Barbara Anthony

Elizabeth Aprile

Iridian Arambula

Michelle Babiarz

Faizan Bader

Mathew Bailey

Cynthia Bales

Hailee Balk

Abigail Banter

Krista Barton

Ahsan Basha

Monica Bell

Alexandra Benoit

Emma Benoit

Myra Billadeau

Diamond Blomlie

Tracy Bloom

Hannah Boatright

Steven Bond

Jacqueline Bonds

Danielle Bone

Abbey Boudreau

Abigail Bowen

Diana Boyd

Jessica Boyd

Tyler Branson

Margaretha Breuker-Edelman

Cherise Brown

Kathryn Bryant

Lorna Bumpous

Beverly Burrows

Dana Byers

Robert Bzdyk

Candy Angelica Caburnay

Kimberly Callaghan

Carl Campton

Heather Carlson

Kennarius Chandler

Amber Chase

Jessica Clinton

Marsha Collins

Kimberly Cooper

Patricia Croix

Chloe Dalton

Brittany Dansby

Elizabeth Daverin

Emerson Davis

Monica De Leon

Afton Dearinger

Kristi Denault

Nicole Dethrow

Alicia Donnersberger

Mary Doud

Bill Douglas

Kathleen Duby

Elizabeth Elliot

Melissa Emerson

Jeremiah Faulkner

Briana Fisher

Stephanie Fisher

Carolina Ford

Tonya Fowler

Michelle Francis

Katrina Frantz

Neal Fromm

Tiffany Furlan

Terri Galan

Bruce Gifford

Kaila Gigl

Rosa Gil Montano

Megan Goldsmith

Alexandra Gonzalez

Rachel Goodrich

Jacqueline Granger

Jamilah Grant-Criswell

Ayesha Gray

Nicole Gries

Felicity Groesbeck

Maria Gutierrez

Cary Hagen

Melissa Halcomb

Kyle Hamann

Katelyn Harder

Dawn Harper

Sydney Hartnett

Chandler Harwood

Seerat Hassan

Valerie Hatley

Jerome Hebert

Sherri Hendricks

Alyssa Hibler

Jacqueline Hicks

Margaret Hiland

Quinechia Hodges

Hannah Hoffman

Laura Holohan

Tracy Hubert

Damien Hughes

Kelly Hull

Kathryn Inczauskis

Mary Iwen

Mckenna Jackson

Antony Jiovanazzo

Gabriel Johnson

Nathan Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Deborah Johnston

Kandyce Jones

Amy Jurgens

Mary Keller

Alicia Kendra

Michelle Kent

Raunak Khisty

Wilbert Kindle

Bridget King

Elizabeth Kirkpatrick

Hannah Kitson

Kristin Kohlmeier

Allee Krzyzak

Joy Kunsch

Mark Kurzejka

Cassandra Lacher

Kathleen Lacy

Katherine Lamont

Kristen Latulip

Cassandra Lebeau-Latham

Matthew Lennhardt

Katy Lighthart

Isaiah Lindsey-Dean

David Lison

Sarah Littrell

Oasis Logan

Emily Lovato

Caitlyn Lowhorn

Aaron Macgilvray

Sonja Mailloux

Brianna Malone

Stacey Mann

Andrew Mariano

Christopher Marrero

Hailey Matthias

Sarah Mcclintock

John Mcgarey

Karen Mcgregor

Teresa Mckissack

Alexis Metschuleit

Nancy Michelich

Windy Mickler

Victoria Miller

Patrick Morales

Rebecca Musgrave

Carolyn Myers

Shawnta Myhand

Greta Naese

Keira Nash

Sherry Neforas

Sherry Neforas

Cynthia Nelson

Leta Nelson

Samuel Nelson

Sandra Obrakta

Nicole Olson

Alison Paglin

Mikayla Palaggi

Deborah Para

Lisa Patel

Jaime Pavesic

Janet Phillips

Nichole Pinto

Gabriela Pizano

Brett Ploussard

Breanna Pombert

Joseph Ponton

Carol Porter

Padraic Printy

Kelsey Puffer

Morgan Quick

Rebekah Raines

Steven Ramsey

Jennifer Rath

Dena Reddick

Tatum Reddy

Terrence Reese

Deborah Regnier

Adam Rivard

Kelsey Robison

Brayden Rodgers

Whitney Rodgers

Madyson Rogers

Emily Rooney

Patricia Rooney

Nicholas Roy

Kim Ruckman

Melody Ruvolo

Emily Salomon

Hannah Salzman

Mckenna Salzman

Melissa Sanders

Sharon Sanders

Julia Sands

Scott Schroeder

Tracy Seferovic

Heidi Senor

Kathrine Shegog

Shuja Sheikh

Anna Smith

Katrina Spear

Sophie Stack

Cristin Stadt

Lydia Staniszeski

Charlotte Stewart

Aidan Stringer

Katie Swafford

Ashley Taetsch

Nicholas Tapp

Antonio Tavares

Andrew Taylor

Christopher Tennison

Jeri Terrell-Mccullum

Sarah Throop-Ballard

John Timm

Shelly Todd

Melissa Tomasek

Heaven Toppel

Lisa Truhlar

Latosa Turner

Kaitlynn Vahl

Katherine Van Hoveln

Thomas Vent

Christine Villafuerte

Erin Walker

Frances Walters

Doris Warrington

Emma Watts

Tristan Wazny

Antonio Wells

Jessica West

Tara White

Regina Wille

Jaime Wilson

Jakob Wingo

Cheryl Witvoet

Jenny Woodworth

Markita Wynn

Steve Yana

Amit Zachariah

Sylvia Zarebczan

Taylor Zavala

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Fourth Quarter Starfish Nominees

Congratulations to all of the individuals who were nominated for the Starfish Award during November, December and January.

November Nominees

AlyssaEasterCare Associate/Care Tech/RMG Internal Medicine
DanielleCordesRMA/RMG Frankfort
ValerieStoltzCare Associate/Care Tech/Riverside Neurology Associate
JulieAllenRegistered Dietician CDE/Diabetes Rehab
RobinMotzOutpatient Clinician/Mental Health Outpatient-Pathways
BrendaMohrLead Systems Specialist/Clinical Resource Management
PadraicPrintyPhysical Therapist/Rehab SVCS-OP
DebraWendlingPA Assoc II/Scheduling
BruceReardanzLaundry Supervisor/Laundry
CherylJenkinsPCS sitter

December Nominees

Michaela BaumanRadiology Tech/Radiology
RichelleGosimOccupational Therapist/Rehab
AshleyLopezRT/Respiratory Care
BrandiWatsonHousekeeper II/Housekeeping
JulieAllenRegistered Dietician CDE/ Diabetes Rehab
NicoleDuFrainCustomer Service Assoc./Labor Pool
ChristineWhaleyPharmacy Tech/Pharmacy
TaylorGeorgeffMRI Technologist/Radiology
KaitlynHaaseOncology Authorization Specialist/Cancer Treatment Center
JessicaBoydLicensed Occupational Therapist/Rehabilitation SVCS-OP
MorganStratePhysical Therapist/Rehabilitation SVCS-OP
AllisonHeilSupervisor Breast Imaging/Breast Center
JessicaBoydOccupational Therapist/Rehab
DwayneSmartTeam Lead Housekeeping/Sitter
ChristineWhaleyPharmacy Tech/Pharmacy

January Nominees

SharonSchneiderCare Assoc./Resident Clinic
PaulaWebbSales Assoc./Gift Shop
HaileyScrogginsPA HC Assoc II/Outpatient Center
TrunitaGravesTransporter/Central Transport
MistyWineCustomer Service Assoc/Labor Pool
JenniferTrinerCustomer Service Assoc/Labor Pool
JocelynHipolitoPA HC Assoc II/Outpatient Center
MargienellThurmanUnit Secretary/3 Tele
ReneSchnellRRT&CPFT/Respiratory Care
RachelGoodrichOncology Registration Specialist/Radiation Therapy Center-CTC
KellyDerrSocial Service Specialist/CHC Administration
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Behavioral Medicine’s fun in February

Behavioral Medicine had fun in February! We were a part of the Kankakee School District’s Black Experience for Black History Month.

February is also Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Riverside Behavioral Medicine, Harbor House, Merchant St. Art Gallery of Artists with Autism, and Spizzirri’s Reptile Rescue and Rehabilitation partnered to have an evening of fun. Participants were able to paint live reptiles while enjoying hot cocoa and cookies!

We ended the month with a Police and Fire Appreciation Celebration sponsored by Kankakee United and Riverside Behavioral Medicine.

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Congratulations to Dr. Raunak Khisty on his recent publication!

We are thrilled to congratulate Dr. Raunak Khisty on his recent co-authored publication titled “Parallel Application to U.S. Psychiatry Residency Programs: Trends in Frequency and Differences by Applicant Group, 2009-2021” in the journal Academic Psychiatry!

This research was conducted in collaboration with Rush University and the University of Chicago, showcasing a collaborative effort across institutions. The paper delves into the trends of parallel applications to U.S. psychiatry residency programs, analyzing dataset for 67,261 applicants over 12-year period The results have significant implications for understanding current trends in residency applications and informing future directions in admissions processes. Their work contributes valuable insights into the trends and disparities within the application process for U.S. psychiatry residency programs.

Please join us in congratulating Dr Khisty on this well-deserved recognition!

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DAISY Award: Katrina Whitten

Katrina is an RN at Riverside Medical Center. The DAISY Award is an honor that recognizes the exceptional, skillful, and compassionate care these nurses demonstrate for our patients and families every day.

Her nomination read, “Kat goes above and beyond as a nurse, she reads stories at bedtime to the patients/children. This comforts and helps the patients/children to fall asleep. This is something that some techs have taken into consideration and also do for the patients/children, she’s an excellent role model. Kat is extremely knowledgeable and offers different solutions with situations when necessary. Kat is very helpful with the patients/children and staff, while exhibiting her team player spirit. She’s always picking up to work extra hours, asking the techs if they want to pick up with her. She will also back up other staff with expectations to be followed by the patients/children. Kat genuinely cares about the patients/children, staff and takes pride in her nursing position. Katrina is an excellent and valuable asset to the Mental Health Specialty Unit.”

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