Employee Spotlight - Page 20 of 57

Celebrating January Birthdays!

Yareli Acevedo

Jessica Ackman-Quiles

Alyssa Adams

Ryan Adams

Bolade Adeyooye

Abigail Allen

Julie Allen

Mallory Arrington

Jessica Bailey

Angel Barclay

Amanda Barrett

Hannah Bartlett

Jill Bautista

Hollie Beattie

Nicole Beaupre

Mary Belford

Amanda Berardelli

Randy Berg

Olyvia Bikar

Carrie Bishir

Sarah Bolin

Kathryn Boudreau

Cassandra Brandenburg

Nicole Brewer

Avery Brown

William Brown

Lori-Ann Bruer

Melissa Burke

Aidan Butz

Keith Buza

Corinne Cahill

Ryan Campbell

Abby Cantrell

Jeannette Carrington

Diane Carter

Magdalena Chaca

Lynn Chamberlain

Naresh Chandan

Cynthia Chukwuegbogu

Kourtney Conley

Becky Conn

Leann Corbin

Johannah Cordes

Alison Cote

Nicole Coughenour

Tia Covington

Tamara Crawford

Sophia Crumbley

Michael Cullinan

Kathy Dandurand

Rachel Deacon

Kandi Deckelman

Mallory Decker

Krystle Deepankar

Aimee Diaz

Rosario Diaz

Regina Dickerson

Clautilde Dixon

Kristen Doud

Shawn Downing

William Driskell

Nicole Dufrain

Chasitie Dytkiewicz

Kristina Efnushev

Kristina Ehmen

Arielle Elliott

Meka Elmore

Allison Falardeau

Angela Fleck

Laurie Forehand

Zoe Forquer

Lisa Frias

Melissa Fricke

Michael Gambla

Nicole Gibson

Genaiveve Gilreath

Alanna Glogowski

Alexis Gomez

Alexandra Gonzalez Perez

Tiffany Grafen

Susie Green

Qutia Greer

Brittney Griffin

Megan Grise

Natosha Gurley

Jennifer Gutierrez

Bryan Hack

Pamela Hale

Chazz Hamilton

Taylor Hanko

Meghan Hannig

Lynn Hartman

Margaret Hayden

Angela Hays

John Hebert

Tammie Henderson

Lavonne Herron

Elise Hertzberg

Philip Hird

Stephanie Hofer

Ivan Huerta

Christine Hustedt

Jasmine Hutcherson

Stephanie Jackson

Vonesha Jackson

Jenetta Jeje

Tiarastine Johnson

Emily Johnson-Moritz

Deandrea Jones

Jennifer Jordan

Carly Kaminke

Samrat Khanna

Kaitlyn Klenzak

Brandie Kowalski

Macy Kranz

Joshua Krapf

Jessica Kroll

Alexis Ladd

David Lamontagne

Florence Lane

Courtney Lawless

Traci Lebeau

Susan Lecuyer

Steven Lemner

Kimberly Licht

Hannah Lowe

Angel Lunsford

Priya Madan

Kris Madison

Rhonda Magee

Josephine Majka

Calindy Mann

Deborah Mansfield

Catelyn Marzke

Courtney Maurer

Ryan Mayo

Kyle Mccord

Tara Mcfarlin

Debra Meents

Laura Meents

Adilene Mendoza

Michelle Meyers

Julie Mitchell

Teela Moore

Danielle Moser

Sean Mossman

Robin Motz

Amber Murphey

Donald Murphy

Amanda Nelson

Kera Newberry

Mary Nicholson

Sean Oconnor

Kimberly Ohlrogge-Gilbert

Juana Osborn

Jaclynn Owens

Paul Paetsch

Natalie Palka

Janet Phelan

Karen Pijus

Kristina Pirollo-Ketchum

Yanet Pizano

Alfred Ponton

Tara Prue

Maddison Reddy

Deon Reese

Tea Roberts

Jessica Rogers

Juan Carlos Roldan Gomez

Matthew Roseen

Samaria Rosenthal

Rochelle Ruff

Carrie Saldivar

Jisela Santos

Taylor Schmuecker

Mary Schwer

Sara Serena

Debra Sexton

Stephanie Sherrell

Sharon Shoudis

Breanna Simon

Olivia Skubic

Carsten Slaby

Nichole Solomon

Madison Spence

Karol Spencer

Rachael Stash

Courtney Stewart

Jean Stewart-Lowey

Cathy Stygar

Vicki Summers

Julie Szobar

Gwendolyn Tammen

Antionette Thomas

Mathew Thomas

Julie Thompson

Meara Tilstra

Alan Torbet

Jennifer Triner

Katherine Trkulja

Dawn Trumblay

Damond Tucker-Autman

Phillip Turner

Travis Turrell

Holly Upton

Danielle Valentino

Tina Varvel

Vanessa Vazquez

Kristy Verthein

Maria Villagomez

Julie Vilt

Denise Wadley

Jana Wahlen

Breyonna Walker

Ada Wang

Faith Ward

Dominique Washick

Brandi Watson

Drew Weaver

Gavin Webb

Warren Weber

Amy Weiss

Colleen Wells

Leslie Wilking

Elliot Williams

Whitney Williams

Yolanda Williams

Christine Wilson

Kelsie Winger

Julie Witvoet

Angela Woods

Angela Workman

Briana Worthey

Evelynn Zeise

Brisa Zermeno

Jeremiah Zerrudo

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Second Annual PCABB Christmas Cookie Bake-off!

Last year PCABB had their first ever cookie exchange which became a cookie contest when Site Supervisor, Laura Meents’s grandparents happened to come in that day for their Medicare Annuals. Grandpa (as he is referred to by all in the office) is a big fan of a cup of coffee and a treat in the afternoon so he agreed to taste test each cookie to pick a winner. This year the new tradition was created with the Second Annual PCABB Cookie-Bake off which was conveniently scheduled the day Grandpa would be in again. Grandma passed away in August so having this to look forward to has helped make this first holiday season a little brighter for Grandpa. The staff and providers always look forward to his visits and he is very much family to everyone at PCABB. The love shown to him is very appreciated by Laura too.

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Holiday BINGO and Holiday Hat Day at PCABB

Primary Care Associates of Bourbonnais has been Celebrating the 12 (working) days of Christmas since December 7th. Today is BINGO day! We are utilizing our chat to play BINGO throughout the day to win fun holiday prizes and of course chocolate!

We have had or will be doing these activities to celebrate the holidays:
12/7: Wear your holiday socks
12/11: Hot Chocolate Bar
12/12: Traditional Christmas Breakfast potluck where staff brought in dishes that are traditional in their homes for holiday breakfasts
12/13: Ugly Sweater Day and bring in your stocking to hang; staff then bring in a $1 item to put in each stocking hung in lieu of a gift exchange
12/14: Holiday Trivia via Trillian
12/15: Holiday Appetizer Potluck
12/18: Cookie Day
12/19: Holiday Bingo, wear your holiday hat and a potluck
12/20: Dress Like a Holiday Character Day
12/21: Holiday Crosswords
12/22: Ugly Sweater/festive wear Day and Department Holiday Party

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