Employee Spotlight - Page 27 of 57

DAISY Winner: Hannah L.

We are celebrating Labor and Delivery RN Hannah L. as our most recent DAISY Award Winner. The DAISY Award is an honor that recognizes the exceptional, skillful, and compassionate care these nurses demonstrate for our patients and families every day.

A patient nominated Hannah, “Hannah came on and took care me the morning of April 7th. I was 35 weeks and had preeclampsia again this time around. I was pushing and Hannah stated that if the baby’s heartbeat didn’t increase then we would be going back for a C-section. After about 10 seconds, she stated that we were going to be going for an emergency c-section due to the baby’s heartbeat being super low and not coming back up. Her and the two other nurses were super-fast at getting me right into the OR. Hannah advocated for me, when the anesthesiologist tried to put me to sleep, and kept telling him that my epidural was working and they could use that to numb me even more, instead of putting me to sleep. My baby was out within 5 minutes of Hannah using her best judgment and telling me I needed a C-section. I was awake to hear my baby cry after she was out and for that I am so thankful. I cannot thank Hannah enough for her skills, compassion, knowledge, and promptness to keep me and my baby safe. Hannah returned the next morning and took care of me again. She listened to my needs and concerns and did everything she possibly could for me to be comfortable. I’m so thankful for the bond that I felt was so easy to establish with her. I will forever be thankful for her.”

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Let’s Celebrate August Birthdays!

Izabell Alejandro

Hawawu Alli-Balogun

Phil Marie Argento

Alicia Arseneau

Kathleen Astrella

Kendra Barnes

Leya Barrett

Maria Baulding

Tammy Beck

Brenda Beckner

Julie Bell

Haley Bernardy

Marbeya Berner

Merissa Berns-Gray

Tricia Bertram

Pamela Bertrand

Abbygayle Bill

Laurie Billingsley

Joel Blair

Gina Blume

Kristy Boone

Jacqueline Bottoms

Nathan Bowers

Nicole Brandenburg

Tracy Brandenburg

Angela Brown

Joshua Brown

Jacqueline Buckner

Tyler Burgess

Lorraine Cadwallader

Brenda Caloca Hargrove

Kelly Cantwell

Katie Anne Cardoso

Reygan Carlile

Maria Carmona

Morgen Carroll

Jassie Castleberry Keeler

Drew Cavitt

Lora Cerny

Angelina Cirrencione

Vicki Clancy

Kellee Clark

Lynn Clark

Danielle Cooke

Martha Cornejo

Nicholas Cote

Nicanor Cotiangco

Cayla Crawford

Erica Cundiff

Elizabeth Deck

Elizabeth Dehoog

Brittany Denny

Tierra Dixon-Sullivan

Tammi Douglas

Gail Dunleavy

Stasia Durflinger

Janey Dvorak

Elizabeth Elliott

Vincent Ellis

Jaz Roselle Elmore

Kathryn Englert

Stephanie Evans

Deanne Ewan

Joyce Farley

Natasha Farris

Leland Ferguson

Quinn Fields

Corinsa Foltynewicz

Kristin Galeaz

Irene Garza

Maricela Gaytan-Arellano

Cassidy Gazda

Tonya Gibson

Tammy Gilmore

Lindsey Goodwin

Rodney Gordon

Jessica Grad

Jordan Granger

Raven Gray

Carrie Greenley

Kloey Greenwood-Schubbe

Steven Groene

Martha Guerrero

Kathleen Hall

Mallory Hall

Joehar Hamdan

Stephanie Hamm

Julia Hancock

Alexandria Hanshew

Raelene Harvey

Meagan Havener

India Hill

Dee Anna Hillebrand

Samantha Hilliard

Koffi Homawoo

Mark Hopkins

Ming Hung

Mohammad Issa

Kelly Izzi

Joie Jackson

Meghan Jackson

Jean Jacobson

Shreya Jain

Janet Jensen

Lori Jensen

Amy Johnson

Janelle Johnson

Mia Richele Johnson

Krista Kambic

Phillip Kambic

Rylie Karvunis

Ellie Kaufman

Brittney Keast

Reanna Keigher

Jolie Keith

Rena Kelly

Kristie Kelso

Martha Kennedy

Takisha Kidd

Aimee King

Brian Kinkade

Sheila Kirchner

Melanee Koehn

Jill Kollmann

Ruth Kurien

Barbara Kuriger

Rebecca Kvasnicka

Grazelda Kwakye-Ackah

Kayla Lake

Joanne Lanham

Alexa Laster

Donald Latocha

Linda Latty

Deena Layton

Keri Leclair

Bethani Lewis

Nichole Lewis

Anna Lind

Jessica Lisy

Jaiden Longtin

Wendy Lopez

Kimberly Lyons

Raymond Maceren

Shamika Mack

Lucela Malot

Kshiti Manek

Alexandra Marzke

Tacarris Mason

Desteny Mattocks

Paige Matuszewski

Elizabeth Mayfield

Matthew Mcallister

Joan Mccall

Debra Mccarty

Renee Mccue

Rachael Mckinney

Amanda Mcwhorter

Brandon Medina Gonzalez

Bailey Meier

David Meissen

Cynthia Melgoza

Brisa Mendez

Kristina Merzlock

Drake Milk

Jodi Milk

Nancy Moore

Alexis Morphey

Marissa Moser

Andrea Mouritzen

Barbara Mullett

David Munson

Charlene Narlow

Nicole Nelson

Gabrielle Nettles

Kayla Nichoalds

Sharon Nichols

Linda Nordmeyer

Scott Nusbaum

Carrie O’Connor

Katelyn O’Dell

Drew Ogrentz

Maris Olson

Mary Olson

Spencer Olson

Rebecca Owen

Meagan Ozee

Joanna Pacocha

Jawana Paden

Elaine Papineau

Niccole Peck

Kerri Petersen

Bryce Porter

Nicole Potts

Heidi Prairie

Jessica Price

Amanda Quinlan

Issra Rashed

Colin Reilly

Ashley Rim

Fadi Rim

Jordan Ritter

Nicole Robinson

Lourdes Robles

Tisha Robles

Edith Rosas

Aaliyah Rosenthal

Kelly Rumisek

Sharen Ryan

Anthon Sarita

Jill Savarino

Tiffany Scanlon

Rebecca Schiltz

Shari Schneider

Sharon Schneider

Kendra Schoon

Debra Schrader

Marisa Schrum

Nicole Schuldt

Hailey Scroggins

Ashley Seyden

Michelle Shaffer

Patricia Shermer

Amy Sherrell

Shannon Shoemaker

Kathleen Shores

Jeanine Sims

Lori Smith

Patricia Smith

Elizabeth Snodgrass

Karen Spangler

Kristin Speckman

Madigan Spenard

Nancy Spraker

Mackenzie Stahlschmidt

Olivia Stell

Tiffany Stenson

Laura Stewart

Mobolaji Suleiman

Alison Swallers

Mary Ann Talone

Erica Ternig-Greco

Michael Terrell

Destiny Thomas

Loucora Thomas

Taylor Tiemens

Diana Tighe

Laney Tippie

Denise Tomano

Rebecca Traina

Carma Trowell

Mark Truesdell

Ethan Trumble

Molly Turner

Lauren Uftring

Deanna Ulrich

Alexandra Urbanski

Cassie Vaughn

Amber Vent

Brenda Verble

Maria Villegas

Lennie Wagner

Marilyn Wainwright

Sheryl Waldvogel

Melissa Walker

Michael Walker

Desmond Waters

Rebeccah Webber-Rushing

Erika Weber

Tammy Weedon

Virginia Weller

Andrea Wentler

Colleen Wepprecht

Kristi Westfall

Christine Whaley

Brianna Williams

Susan Williamson

Richard Willingham

Skyler Winslow

Reagan Wofford

Michael Yimer

Richard Younger

Alexandrea Zarate

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DAISY Winner: Chloe Dalton

Congrats to our newest DAISY Winner Chloe Dalton. Here is the story, “I had been having regular contractions, so my husband and I headed to the hospital. I could tell my contractions were getting closer and stronger but upon an exam by Chloe, we found out that I was actually very (unexpectedly) close to delivery. We were thankful that Chloe had already started to compile our paperwork prior to us arriving. Having a lot to do and not a lot of time, Chloe kept calm and worked as a team with other nurses to make sure everything was ready for delivery. She coached me through the entire process. […] While it could have been a very nerve-racking process, Chloe made sure my husband and I understood everything that was happening, answered every question we had, and was there for any concern we expressed. Her care and passion for us as her patients made our experience something very special. She even took a few moments to check in on us in post-partum. She will always hold a special part in our memories for her compassionate and outstanding care.”

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Starfish Award Nominations Open!

The Starfish Award was established in 2023 by Riverside Healthcare to recognize employees who make a difference at Riverside every day. This award is intended to recognize ancillary team members who fill vital roles outside of nursing. These “difference makers” provide direct and indirect services to Riverside patients and the community.

Starfish nominations can come from employees, patients, or family members of patients. Nominations will be accepted year-round, with a winner recognized quarterly. Nominations are accepted on the Riverside website (QR code on materials you will receive) or via paper form sent to patient care services (tri-fold brochure).

Making a Difference: The Starfish Story

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked “What are you doing?” The boy replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and thousands of starfish?”
“You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and then threw it back into the ocean. Then smiling at the man he said…

“I made a difference for that one.”

-Loren Eiseley

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