Employee Spotlight - Page 33 of 57

Let’s Celebrate May Birthdays!

Raju Abraham

Yvette Adams

Yetunde Akinde

Elizabeth Amador

Jacqueline Andrade

Brian Arndt

Anthony Bade

Sarah Baer-Leveque

William Balgeman

Israel Barron

Callie Beaupre

Alexis Behl

Jackson Bennett

Nina Bennett

Melissa Benson

Melissa Benson

Mary Bilderback

Brooklyn Billings

Lauren Bishir

Lissa Bobo

Bradley Boswell

Martin Bothwell

Paige Bradbury-Bewsey

Kathy Brais

Alice Bringelson

Yolanda Brown-Taylor

Katie Brzana

Jayla Buckner

Heidi Bulthuis

Amanda Cadle

Bryanna Caldwell

Kate Campbell

Jessica Campione

Carmen Campos

Skyler Carter

Isaac Casas

Irma Chagoya

Nicholas Chamberlain

Karen Cherry

Tara Christer-Hack

Brenda Cintora

Lynn Clevenger-Harvell

Amanda Cox

Denise Coyne

Sarah Culver

Tiffany Daughenbaugh

Crystal Davis

Jeuz Paul De Los Santos

Leslie Denault

Shari Depoister

Hana Derossett

Samantha Devenney

Andrew Devries

Hope Deyoung

Nancy Diericks

Tammy Diorio

Kenneth Doud

Kaitlyn Drahos

Sandra Earl

Noell Eden

Tanya Edwards

Ashley Eimen

Shannon Engelman

Leticia Esparza

Kimberly Etzel

Amanda Fagan

Roxanne Fear

Jessica Ferguson

Allison Flory

Hannah Fordonski

Liberty Fortin

Timothy Foster

Gina Fowler

Angela Franco

Aaron Fuerst

Kimberly Gaddis

Colleen Gaines

Wendy Garcia Herrera

Randy Gerdes

Kanzis Gilbert

Tamia Gladden

Skylar Glaves

Shaun Golden

Dianna Gomez

Rachel Goodberlet

Felicia Goodrich

Qiana Goosby

Shannon Gotkowski

Caylie Gott

Mae Graffeo

Audra Halcomb

Carrie Hale

Fount Hankle

Erin Hansgen

Allison Harms

Christine Harrison

Brian Harwell

Frank Hasik

Christina Hertzberg

Rosalind Hess

Andrew Higgins

Sarah Himes

Paige Hogeveen

Megan Hone

Jena Horchem

Kathleen Hubert

Pamela Hull

Adrianna Hupp

Tanjay Jackson

Rose Jakobitz

Keyoma Jamerson

Geethu James

Adamaris Jaramillo-Martinez

Lissette Jernberg

Heather Johnson

Yolanda Jones

Mihir Joshi

Christina Katschke

Emily Kemnetz

Chad Ketelaar

Alexa Kieffer

Rose Kieffer

Lauren Knight

Kelly Koerner

Renee Koerner

Allison Krivanec

Megan Kruse

Aimee Kuk

Annika Lackey

Joanna Lambert

Susan Laney

Robert Leclair

James Lee

Jennifer Leonard

Drew Lergner

Alyssa Lewis

Susan Lobaugh

Maria Lopez

Ashley Loring

Anne Lovell

Kayla Lowey

Adrienne Mack

Taruna Madhav Crawford

Judith Mahoney

Giovanni Manjarrez

Jessica Mccalip

Megan Mcdaniel

James Mclaren

Meghan Meier

Kelly Melahn

Mary Melvin

Jonathan Miller

Amanda Minard

Jacey Miner

Joshua Miser

Christina Mitsdarffer

Morgan Moody

Ryan Muehlberg

Crystal Murphy

Hailey Murphy

Leslie Myers

Sean Nelson

Angelia Newbrough

Jessica Norman

Michelle Oliver

Sandra Padgett

Allison Palermo

Brittany Para

Heather Parks

Lauren Pasel

Isabella Pasqualetti

Tracey Peachey

Ashley Perreault

Allyson Peters

Makayla Peters

Jessica Pettigrew

Shannon Phillip

Wantasha Phillips

Jennifer Pittman

Giselle Pizano-Calderon

Dawn Post

Paul Puffer

Kailey Rahme

Tammy Reeves

Jamey Robinette

Melissa Robinson

Paula Robinson

Desjia Roby-Burnett

Mitzi Rosales

Dominique Ross

Lanita Rucker

Kristin Ruda

Samantha Ruffolo

Veronica Salazar

Nicole Salvarrey

Jenna Salzman

Korene Scharp

Zachary Schneider

Kaitlyn Schoolman

Connie Schroeder

Hannah Selvey

Megan Selvey

Jessica Shaughnessy

Rachel Shell

Sierra Simmons

Lucas Sluis

Jeremy Snodgrass

John Solomon

Kelsey Stang

Jacob Stauffenberg

Andrea Stevenson

Gail Stewart

Brenda Strahan

Tarishka Strickland

Amber Swaite

Navdeep Tandon

Leroy Tate

Tiesha Taylor

Zaundrera Taylor

Samantha Thoman

Lisa Tilstra

Amanda Toepfer

Caroline Torkelson

Renee Ulitzsch

Eymmy Vargas

Candace Vaughn

Rita Villafria

Becky Vine

Susan Wagner

Amber Watters

Elizabeth Webb

Kelly White

Lisa Whitwell

Bradley Wilfong

Ira Williams

Jody Williams

Tieara Williams

Olivia Wilson

Katan Winterroth

Robert Wirick

Christine Wolford

Laura Wozny

Carmela Zavala

Heather Ziller

Heather Zurek

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Congrats DAISY winner Chloe H.

Meet our newest DAISY award recipient, Chloe Hanegraaf. Chloe is an ICU Registered Nurse at Riverside Healthcare. The DAISY Award is an honor that recognizes the exceptional, skillful, and compassionate care these nurses demonstrate for our patients and families every day.

Her nomination read, “Coming to the ICU with my husband in critical condition was very scary. The amount of care and compassion exceeded any expectations I could ever imagine. Not only with my husband but with me also. Chloe is an incredible nurse. She went above and beyond with comforting my husband and I. Her communication with us was also incredible. She was extremely knowledgeable and informative, making sure we understood. … I’m not sure I have ever met a more compassionate, comforting and knowledgeable person, and I know I have never met a nurse like her. On every level, she was amazing! Thank you, Chloe, for every single thing you helped us [with], and we are forever grateful for you. Much love and appreciation.”

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Phil Kambic named to Becker’s 107 Community Hospital CEOs to Know List

CHICAGO (April 2023) — Becker’s Hospital Review is pleased to release the 2023 edition of its “Community hospital CEOs to know” list.

Community hospital CEOs are tasked with delivering coordinated and affordable care to local patients. Top community hospital executives ensure that patients can access not only acute care but also primary care, rehabilitation, public health services and other resources. The leaders featured on this list shape workforce culture, plan for the future, broaden hospital offerings and sustain financial wellness for their community hospitals.

The list honors CEOs for their dedication to improving community health. Becker’s Healthcare is thrilled to feature the accomplishments of these leaders, who are critical to the successes of their respective organizations.

The Becker’s Hospital Review editorial team accepted nominations and curated the list to highlight the great work of CEOs from community hospitals across the nation. The full list features individual profiles of all CEOs on the list, and can be read here:

Note: This list is not an endorsement of included CEOs or associated healthcare providers, and organizations cannot pay for inclusion on this list. CEO names are presented in alphabetical order.

About Becker’s Healthcare
Becker’s Healthcare is the go-to source for healthcare decision-makers and one of the fastest growing media platforms in the industry. Through print, digital and live event platforms, Becker’s Healthcare equips healthcare leaders with information and forums they need to learn, exchange ideas and further conversations about the most critical issues in American healthcare today.

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Neurodiagnostic Week: April 16-22, 2023

This week highlights the concept of neurodiagnostics, the technologies, and the profession, to raise awareness about its groundbreaking achievements in the medical industry as well as encourage students to join the profession.

An EEG is a test that detects abnormalities in your brain waves or in the electrical activity of your brain.

Kendra Schoon EEG T.

— I have been with Riverside Medical Center for over 10years. Starting out as a Cardiac Technician. Eventually, going back to school at East West University for EEG.  I have been doing EEGs close to 9 years now. I never thought that I would love what I do or have such a passion for it. But here I am, 10 + (plus) years later. Neurology is truly a hidden gem.  #GOTEAM #NEUROLOGY

Yolanda Jones R. EEG. T

— Yolanda has been with Riverside for 3 years. She has an extensive background and knowledge of Neurology. With that knowledge comes a passion for her patients and her career. Twenty years of knowledge and passion. 

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