Employee Spotlight - Page 39 of 57

Let’s Celebrate December Birthdays!

Kathryn Aardsma

Javier Acosta

Maria Aguirre

Maximilian Aicher

Leah Albright

Linda Allen

Kailee Alvarado

Trisha Andrews

Anne Arends

Mirella Arroyo

Oscar Arroyo

Charlene Ashley

Janika Baki-Alling

Roger Baldwin

Hailey Barber

Marla Barnard

Sagar Batish

Kaylyn Bauer

Natalie Becton

Michael Belluso

Teanna Benford

Denean Bennett

Bernadette Bielecki

Brynn Billings

Khalilah Biloche

Krista Biros

Kaylee Bishop

Sherry Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchette

Mia Blanchette

Robert Boll

Kaitlyn Bossolono

Brandi Bostic

Kimberly Brands

Tarajean Brink

Samantha Brittain

Rashad Brockman

Dale Brown

Ebony Brown

Ronald Brown

Jennifer Bruner

Nikolas Buckley

Kaylynn Buente

Amy Burkey

Janifer Burkhardt

Robin Burson

Mary Rose Burton

Seiry Carmona

Megan Casey

Caroline Chagoya

Katie Charles

Malinda Chavers

Jennifer Conforti

Erica Cordes

Jonathan Cotton

Camille Crawford

Amy Creek

Ashleigh Crisostomo

Mitchell Cronk

Noel Dantzler

Mary Dau

Amanda Davenport

Cecile Davis

Traci Deboer

Rose Dechenne

Aidan Demarah

Haleigh Demas

Rachel Denault

Alexis Diaz

Matthew Dixon

Bruce Dodt

Rebecca Doris

Corey Eich

Susan Emmett

Kathryn Eschbach

Courtney Evans

Gwen Felesena

Bryson Fozzard

Jennifer Freis

Juana Garcia

Nancy Garcia

Sharon Gardner

Dawn Girard

Samantha Gonski

Jonathan Gonzalez

Christine Goolsby

Kiara Gray

Courtney Griffin

Mellissa Guinn

Alissa Haase

Berronica Hall

Jacqueline Hall

Alison Hamrick

Steven Harjung

Angela Harre

Melissa Harris

Alyssa Hays

Laura Healy

Thomas Henrichs

Erik Hertzberg

Caitlin Hess

Kristie Hofbauer

Chloe Hofer

Pamela Holbrook

Fatima Hooda

Robin Hull

Ashley Hungerford

Karen Jabaay-Gross

Paula Jacobi

Thomas Janusauskas

Michelle Jarrett

Kaylee Jefferson

Jacob Jeje

Rebecca Jensen

Kathy Johnson

Keira Johnson

Daniel Johnston

Mileen Joines

Dhruv Joshi

Amanda Kaczkowski

Christine Kampe

Tricia Karraker

Jessie Kasper

Christine Kassel

Andrea Keith

Bryana Kent

Kristen Kozy

Amber Kruchten

Jeffry Lambert

Colin Lamie

Christine Langellier

Rosanne Large

Taylor Marie Leman

Brandi Leohr

Pamela Leranger

Lynn Lochner

Kylie Lockwood

Georgina Lopez

Priscilla Love

Maritza Madrigal

Lynn Maland

Emily Maldonado

Joseph Mancuso

Olivia Mantas

Benjamin March

Lisa Martinez

Tina Martis

Sarah Mateja

Joy Mcandrews

Carter Mccall

Susan Mickelson

Kailyn Mickulas

Jacqueline Mikolajczyk

Kristen Miller

Alexandria Moore

Rebekah Moore

Mykila Nelson

Tracey Norman

Corey Norton

Madison Norvell

Jacqueline Ojeda

Sophia O’Neal

Kelsey Outerbridge

Jovany Palaciosortega

Caterina Paradiso-Frigo

Rachel Parks

Amber Perkins

Jessica Persic

Melanie Peters

Jorgi Phelps

Jennifer Powell

Teague Pullos

Jessica Quirk-Dziaba

Carol Rachlin

Christy Ragain

Aimee Ramadan

Jose Ramirez

Mayuriben Rana

Kaitlyn Randle

Bruce Reardanz

Laura Rivera

Eleanor Roby

Eliseo Rodriguez Martinez

Anne Romadka

Nancy Romania

Jared Romero

Deborah Ronek

Hannah Rossi

Mauricio Ruiz

Natalie Russell

Diana Saldana

Alexander Sample

Maria Sanchez

Matthew Schamber

Sarah Schehr

Brett Schlenz

Khirastin Schneider

Gloria Schnell

Natalee Scivally

Seth Seabaugh

Jakayla Selvie

Noelle Setty

Kimberly Shepard

Ryelie Shule

Sarah Siedentop

Keri Silfies

Lori Simmons

Kerri Ann Skiles

Kimberly Slack

Michael Smarjesse

Christine Smith

Kari Smith

Kholbi Smith

Jean Sparenberg

Ann Strawson

Danica Stull

Shashvat Sukhal

Michelle Thomas

Meghan Thomson

Marilyn Tiarks

Renee Trevino

Whitney Trevino

Renee Turrell

Joellen Vasquez

Mary Vazquez

Irfan Vora

Tami Walters

Stephen Warnell

Dylan Wauthier

Brenda Webber

John Wexelberg

Tina White

Katrina Whitten

Howard Wills Jr

Katy Wilson

Susan Wilson

Ashley Winterrowd

Stephanie Withaft

Manuela Wolfe

Kathy Yates

Mikayla Zilm

Betsy Zirkle

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Infection Prevention- Hand Hygiene winners for Quarter 3, 2022

The Infection Prevention team would like to highlight the Hand Hygiene individual winner and units for their accomplishments!


1st place individual winner- Kristi D. from 2 Med Peds
2nd place individual winner – Ericka H., RN from 4 Rehab
3rd place individual winner – Dr. Paul Kozak (pictured with the other IP nurse Michelle L.)

1st place individual winner- Kristi D. from 2 Med Peds
3rd place individual winner-Dr. Paul Kozak (pictured with IP nurse Michelle L.)


1st place unit winner- 2 Med-Peds staff
2nd place unit winner- 4 Rehab staff
3rd place unit winner-  3 Tele staff

1st place unit winner- 2 Med Peds staff
2nd place unit winner- 4 Rehab staff
3rd place unit winner-  3 Tele staff
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PCA Bourbonnais Supports St. Jude

Staff and providers from Primary Care Associates, Bourbonnais got up early and walked/ran the Hot Chocolate 5K on Saturday, November 5th. It was a very windy walk through the Windy City for LPN, Jackie Murray, and Site Supervisor, Laura Meents, while 3 other team members ran (Dena Reddick, NP; Jamie Paez, RN; Dawn Statler, CT). Everyone finished and enjoyed hot chocolate and chocolate fondue. It was a fun day of team building despite the wind and rain!

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Happy Nurse Practitioner Week!

National Nurse Practitioner Week is held annually to celebrate these exceptional health care providers and to remind lawmakers of the importance of removing outdated barriers to practice so nurse practitioners (NPs) will be allowed to practice to the full extent of their experience and education.

Sarah “Nicki” Baer-Leveque

Tara Barnes Cherry

 Krista Barton

 Paula Blair

Keith Buza

 Tara Campo

 Vanessa Capps

 Rick Carlson

Liz Chase

 Cynthia Croyle

Kristin Cyrier

 Erin Dean

 Elizabeth Deck

 Barbara Deyoung

 Holly Dinello

 Jennifer Dole

 Wendy Dyer

Sue Giacchino

 Shannon Greenquist

 Kendra Hansen

 Laura Healy

 Angela Heldt

Tammie Henerson

 Keyoma Jamerson

Alicia Kendra

 Joanna Lambert

 Lynn Lochner

Katie Locke

 Georgina Lopez

Shannon Male

Kshiti Manek

 Caitlin Mccarthy

 Christina Mitsdarffer

Isabelle Montoya

Jessica Morales

 Jena Nowicki

 Natalie Palka

 Elaine Papineau

 Ashley Perreault

 Dena Reddick

 Cheryl Rogers

 Deanna Schroeder

 Janella Schroeder

 Marisa Schrum

 Karla Schweigert

 Brittani Seagren

 Shana Teske

 Mandi Troli

 Katherine Van Hoveln

Karen Verill

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