Employee Spotlight - Page 4 of 59

    DAISY Award Winner: Michelle Jenczmionka

    Congratulations to our 2024 December Daisy Honoree, Michelle Jenczmionka, Clinical Nurse Educator/Education.

    Her nomination read: “We would like to give recognition to Michelle for her exceptional care. The patient began to bleed profusely, creating a life threatening situation. Despite the chaos and urgency, Michelle remained calm, efficient, and decisive. Her quick thinking and expertise were pivotal in stabilizing the patient. She provided clear and confident direction to the entire team, ensuring that everyone worked cohesively to save this patients life. Due to Michelle’s efforts, the patient was stabilized and transferred to a higher level hospital for continued care. This transfer would not have been possible without her incredible skill, focus, and dedication. The patient is now alive and recovering, thanks to Michelle’s outstanding ability to manage the crisis and advocate for their care. Her actions that day exemplified the very best of nursing, clinical excellence, compassionate care, and unwavering commitment to her patients. We are fortunate to have such an extraordinary nurse on our team. It’s people like Michelle who make me proud to be in this profession. Thank you Michelle for being a true life saver and inspiring us all.”

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    Butterfly Award winner: Maddison Sutter

    Congratulations to the 2024 Q4 Butterfly Honoree, Maddison Sutter, CNA/Ortho-Neuro.

    Patient story: “There aren’t enough words to even describe the caring, compassion, and thoughtfulness she has towards all her patients. She has made my stay here so pleasant. She was so openly not afraid to get her hands dirty. Her job is not just a job to her it is her passion and it shows 100%. She made me laugh and she was always there to answer any questions I had. Maddie has made this visit more tolerable. This beautiful soul has so much to give and offer. She is an actual Ray of Sunshine. We are very happy and pleased to have met Maddie and she is going to make one hell of a nurse.”

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    Congratulations to our Top 3 Connection trivia winners!

    Each week, employees are encouraged to submit answers to the trivia questions asked at the end of the Connection video. Marketing keeps a record of the responses and has gone through the list to recognize the three employees who have answered the trivia questions most frequently.

    Congratulations to:

    • Nancy Spraker with 94 responses.
    • Sandra Kambic with 84 responses.
    • Gayle Landeck with 81 responses.

    The winners received a prize box and recognition card. Thank you to all who have participated and good luck with future trivia submissions!

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    Celebrating February birthdays!

    Elizabeth Alberico
    Esther Algarra
    Dureshahwar Ali
    Roselle Almeida
    Angelica Avalos
    Ismael Ayala
    Danna Backstrom
    Nicholas Baker
    Megan Balk
    Mary Ballinger
    Patricia Barker
    Carmen Beck
    Bernadette Bernadit
    Zakk Billadeau
    Tiffany Bishir
    Kaity Bobadilla
    Ashlei Bonk
    Jamie Brady
    Daniel Brison
    Darryl Brown
    Meri Brown
    Toni Brown
    Jennifer Buckner
    Ritu Chandan
    Elizabeth Chase
    Sanjay Chatrath
    Emma Cheatham
    Isabella Chio
    Ann Christian
    Diane Clatterbuck
    Laquita Clayton
    Dylan Clevenger
    Janet Clifford
    Martha Cook
    Grant Cox
    Michele Craig
    Kelly Cuffe
    Okina Culpepper
    Ganda Dakurah
    Daryus Davis
    Megan Debesa
    Hugo Delgado
    Magdalena Delgado
    Marissa Denault
    Halle Denoyer
    Joseph Doris
    William Eberhardt
    Brittany Edwards
    Carmen Edwards
    Le’Andra Edwards
    Alexandra Ekhoff
    Teresa Ellis
    Donna Evans
    Pamela Fetherling
    Chad Finley
    Jennifer Gabehart
    Kimberly Gartner
    Ashley Gaytan Gonzalez
    Morgan George
    Christine Gerst
    Darla Gilbert
    Joan Giles
    Ashley Gomez
    Kaitlyn Gray
    Alicia Guttendorf
    Lauren Haas
    Cassie Haase

    Leslie Hall
    Holly Harder
    Zoey Harer
    Ashley Harris
    Johnnie Hartline
    Michelle Heintz
    Eva Heinzel
    Kathryn Hendrix
    Dana Hersha
    Lindsay Hetfleisch
    Amelia Hofmann
    Laura Hogan
    Julie Jabaay
    Cheryl Jenkins
    Kendall Johnson
    Tiffany Jones
    Celeste Jonkman
    Lindsey Jostes
    Christa Kauchak
    Megan Keslin
    Kourtney Kincade
    Kayla Klag
    Crystal Knepper
    Jean Koehler
    Kelly Kohler
    Paul Kozak
    Elizabeth Kutemeier
    Nathan Lagesse
    Trina Lange
    Michelle Lavoie
    Stefanie Lem
    Dawn Lemay
    Katherine Lenz
    Cara Leonard
    Jessica Lesage
    Lindsay Leyva
    Damontay Liddell
    Debra Liebendorfer
    Melissa Lonergan
    Rebekah Long
    Nancy Luca
    Amber Lullo
    Rebecca Maldonado
    Mackenzie Mantia
    Erin Marcotte
    Carl Maronich
    Krystal Martin
    Orlando Martinez Dominguez
    Stonewall Mccuiston
    Dionis Medina
    Nancy Meyer
    Anne Miller
    Sydney Milling
    Angela Mills
    Tammy Mills
    Christopher Moeller
    Brenda Mohr
    Amecia Morgan
    Victoria Morgan
    Charly Mpundu
    Amy Newman
    Spencer Norder
    Keerstin Nowlan
    Alexis Nowman
    Tricia O’Connor
    Amy Ohrt
    Kaylene Opitz

    Kristi Panozzo
    Lily Parks
    Carson Perzee
    Joan Policandriotes
    Caitlin Post
    Mia Potts
    Evelyn Prude
    Mary Pruitt
    Anne Purnell
    Linda Quigley
    Lijina Raj
    Travis Rasmussen
    Stephanie Rayman
    Tiffany Regan
    Makenna Reick
    Donald Reiniche
    Jacob Rekosh
    Jaahay Reyes
    Kaitlyn Riley
    Luisa Roa Rodriguez
    Quinn Roberts
    Teianna Rose
    Karen Rozwalka
    Jesus Salazar Jr
    Maria Saldivar
    Jenna Schneider
    Chandra Seabaugh
    Brianne Sells
    Sean Serena
    Rebecca Shipton
    Emma Sliker
    Johanna Smith
    Brittany Spears
    Anthony Stafford
    Brian Steward
    Julie Stoneking
    Ariel Sturgis
    Matthew Sutherland
    Paige Taylor
    Margienell Thurman
    Emma Tolly
    Monty Trammel
    Larry Trump
    Sarah Tudor
    Laurie Urbanczyk
    Nilda Valenzuela
    Tiffany Vanek
    Alfa Varela
    Belinda Villalobos
    Jenna Waldvogel
    Ashley Walling
    Alicea Warriner
    Madeleine Werneke
    George West
    Taylor West
    Ruth Wheeler
    Rene Whitaker
    Teressa White
    Emily Wilkins
    Heather Williams
    Tara Williamson
    Charonn Woods
    Christopher Wright
    Tanaija Wright
    Ashley Young
    Amy Zarnowski
    Adam Zickuhr

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