Employee Spotlight - Page 41 of 57

Happy Halloween!

Check out Halloween costumes around Riverside!

Riverside Outpatient Bourbonnais
Riverside Outpatient Bourbonnais
Riverside Heart and Vascular Bourbonnais
Primary Care Bourbonnais
Riverside Cancer Institute

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Let’s Celebrate November Birthdays!

Lauren Acevedo

Nicole Adair

Kaitlynn Adams

Lashandra Adams

Wanda Adams

Jason Ader

Kelly Ahramovich

Catherine Alberico

Kimberly Albers

Latasha Allen

Mirian Andrade Moncada

Alisa Andrews

Angel Arroyo

Vanessa Baeza

Jacquelynn Baker

Pam Ball

Kristen Bankhead

Anthony Barber

Detra Barker

Kimberly Barton

Kathryn Bauer

Nicole Baugh

Jabiz Behzadpour

Kristin Bell

Eduardo Bernabe-Santillan

Maile Bessette

Davina Betts

Tamara Billadeau

Jason Billings

Melanie Bloomquist

Lisa Bodemer

Deborah Bradley

Jacob Bruner

Jeremy Buckley

Tania Budd

Yvonne Burnett

Bryan Burson

Kirstin Butler Carson

Kathleen Byar

Angel Byears

Jade Cadieux

Jordyn Cain

Crystal Calderon

Rick Carlson

Amber Carufel

Michael Casagrande

Brittany Champney

Lisa Chidichimo

Marie Christer

Felicia Christoff

Larisa Clevenger

Rachel Cohen

Ava Conroy

Nicole Cooley

Shawnn Cooper

Thea Coplea

Gabriela Cortez

Frances Culich

Victoya Culp

Kaylee Cutts

Jaylen Daniel

Dajiauna Davis

Krista Davis

Autumn Deluca

Jordan Depasque

Patti Diedrich

Alexis Dunbar

Judy Dunsworth

Alexis Eckhoff

Elizabeth Finn

Mary Fisher

Jessica Flowers

Megan Flynn

Cloice Foltz

Nicholas Fowler

Halle Fuller

Nicole Gagnon

Rhonda Gasperini

Taylor Georgeff

Heather Gibson

Tammy Gibson

Paris Giles

Jennifer Giroux

Christopher Gnandt

Deicy Gonzalez

Michael Goodrich

Suzanne Gould

Rebecca Green

Glenda Griffin

Cuauhtemoc Guerrero

Skylar Hanson

Noah Hartsfield

Marsha Hasse

Shannon Haugen

Kaitlyn Hayes

James Heil

Rebecca Hicks

Taralene Hill

John Hoffman

Michelle Huff

Roshanda Hullum

Ahmed Ismail

Alyce Jackson

Tarun Jain

Juan Jimenez

Todd Johnson

Lanisha Jones

Nicole Jones

David Juergens

Meenhaj Kabir

Alexandra Kamp

Waheeda Khan

Amy Kolwelter

Carol Krygowski

Jordan Kulach

Bonnie Kyrouac

Laura Lamore

Janae Lang

Twayna Lawson

Joanne Leahy-Auer

Beverly Lile

Emily Lochner

Billie Love

Amy Lowery

Alicia Lowery-Matuszewski

Korene Mahler

Jacob Mahnke

Genevieve Marion

Kaitlyn Marks

Sarah Martin

David Mccarty

Tammy Mcclellan

Rebecca Mccord

Mellody Mcdonald

Holly Mcneal

Brooke Meister

Lalar Melvin

Allison Mendell

Wendy Mendez

Sara Meyer

Jill Mitchell

Keturah Mitchell

Angela Monterusso

Danairo Moore

Toby Moore

Wildeliz Moore

Sherri Morrison

Susan Mosier

Heather Moslener

Peyton Mullin

Lenise Mulvihill

Brooke Nelson

Caitlyn Nelson

Jena Nowicki

Madison O’Dell

Julie Oliver

Christina Oster

Jonathan Overacker

Bethany Panizzi

Elizabeth Parkinson

Matthew Parks

Melissa Parks

Adrianna Patchett

Dhaval Patel

Seth Peachey

Elizabeth Pena

Karlie Peters

Tanya Pizano

Rodney Ponton

Mayra Quezada

Makenzie Quick

Mykenzie Raetz

Claudia Ramos

Wayne Rankin

Thomas Rath

Peggy Regas

Cindy Regnier

Yamaze Riley

Shelli Ritzma

Anahbel Robbins

Andrea Robinson

Patrice Robinson

Kassie Rock

Rebecca Rook

Tamara Rose

Kayla Runner

Meagan Rupp

Lisa Salas

Denise Salem

Jessica Scharlau

Deanna Schroeder

Christina Settles

Jacob Shepard

Heather Sherrill

Sandibel Shipley

Shelleigh Skopik

Jacob Snapp

Sandra Spriggs

Thomas St Louis

Laura Steidinger

Michael Stoltz

Wendy Strzelczyk

Sofia Sumling

Maryan Swinford

Kristy Tellis-Mutemwa

Esperanza Terrell

Brandon Thacker

Marlies Toby

Gabby Torres

Susan Trobaugh

Elizabeth Trudeau

Ashley Ulitzsch

Raquel Valadez

Karen Verrill

Patricia Visinaiz

Edward Vollmer

Daniel Wainwright

Brandon Walls-Jordan

Michelle Ward

Trevor Watkins

Riley Webb

Priscilla Wegrzyn

Alyssa Werner

Rebecca Wheeler

Alaina Wilken

Ellen Wille

Renee Williams

Tiffon Williams

Karina Willms

Melissa Wilson

Kerri Zahrt

Jessica Zarate

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FinThrive Rock Stars

Help us celebrate these individuals on their accomplishments as they thrive with FinThrive!!

FinThrive offers a comprehensive suite of courses, assessments, labs/simulators, badges, certifications, and CE for licensed/registered revenue cycle staff. Not only does FinThrive help us grow and earn new credentials; FinThrive also helps improve Riverside revenue cycle outcomes (e.g. reducing denials).

What are badges? Badges are credentials you attain upon successfully passing a FinThrive exam. Badge exams allow staff to test out of material (no studying ahead of time). By testing first, you only complete classes on topics you don’t know and we find, when you complete the course and learn the content—most staff pass the test and earn their badge on the second test attempt.

What are Assessments? Assessments respects knowledge you have already. By completing an assessment first, you test out of material you know and will only be required to complete additional lessons on content you have not yet mastered. This, in turn, helps us assure a standard level of knowledge across team members in each of your departments to make our work easier and more efficient.

Each badge exam requires a passing score of 80% or greater and employees receive a badge certificate to display their professional accomplishments.  

Congratulations to these Riverside Revenue Cycle Rock Stars!

On behalf of the Operational Directors and the Revenue Cycle Trainers, we are excited to announce and congratulate the following FinThrive Rock Stars that have earned a badge (or badges) as of 10/26/22. 

The below individuals have successfully completed the Revenue Cycle Medical Terminology Badge:

Karyn Aldridge

Danielle Bone

DeAnn Brinkmann

Catherine Burnett

Kelly Cuffe

Melissa Fricke

Colleen Gaines

James Garcia

Natalie Graddy

Gina Karlin

Bridget Maxin

Susan Mazza

Karen McGregor

Angeline Nowak

Tricia O’Connor

Teresa Pfeiffer

Hannah Schwartz

Kenneth Sharp

Krystal Sifrit

Emma Sliker

Brittany Walker

The below individuals have successfully completed the Revenue Cycle Compliance Badge:

DeAnn Brinkmann

Susan Emmett

Jennifer Freis

Melissa Fricke

James Garcia

Chazz Hamilton

Deserea Jordan

Ellie Kaufmann

Dawn Kinstner

Kathleen Lacy

Karen McGregor

Leta Nelson

Samantha Nolan

Deborah Paulissen

Jacqueline Pittman

Ericka Prairie

Christy Ragain

Susan Trobaugh

Brittany Walker

Jenny Woodworth

The below individuals have successfully completed the Patient Access – Pre-Registration Badge:

Melissa Halcomb

The below individuals have successfully completed the Patient Financial Services – Communication Patient Collections Badge:

Michelle Heintz

The below individuals have successfully completed the Coding – E/M Physician Office Badge:

Kelly Collins

The below individuals have successfully completed the Insurance & Coverage Foundation Badge:

Samantha Nolan

Kelly Hull

Nicole Baugh

Rachel Goodrich

Karen McGregor

The below individuals have successfully completed the Patient Financial Services – CMS – 1500 Badge:

Veronica Salazar

The below individuals have successfully completed the Patient Financial Services – EOB and Remittance Badge:

Stephanie Murray

The below individuals have successfully completed the Patient Financial Services – UB-04 Foundations Badge:

Brittany Gibson

Jacqueline Pittman

Susan Trobaugh

The below individuals have successfully completed the Patient Financial Services – Communications Badge:

Melissa Halcomb

The below individuals have successfully completed the Assessment – Baseline – Patient Access Pre-Registration/Registration:

Kathryn Aardsma

DeAnn Brinkmann

Kelly Cuffe

Karen McGregor

Laura Meents

Barbara Mullett

Kathrine Shegog

The below individuals have successfully completed the Assessment – Baseline – Patient Financial Services – EOB & Remittance Foundation:

Regina Wille

The below individuals have successfully completed the Assessment – Baseline – Patient Financial Services – Cash Posting:

Kristy Verthein

The below individuals have successfully completed the 3 or more Continuing Education hours over the last month:

Kelly Collins

Samantha Crater

Andrea Holmes

Darla Kemnetz

Brandie Kowalski

Kathleen Lacy

Bindu Menon

Lisa Murphy

Leta Nelson

Laurie Urbanczyk

Each month we will be celebrating our Revenue Cycle team members’ FinThrive accomplishments!  

We thrive with FinThrive!

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Butterfly Award: Odalis

Odalis is always a bright sunshine to work with. She always goes above and beyond every day. She exemplifies our mission by being a team player not only in her home unit but also when she floats to specialty units. Not only that she will formulate her own programming with our patients in Geri. She also ensures that techs have the same resources for the next day. She’s very flexible in picking up shifts, and she also doesn’t mind holding a group in other units when she is floated. Odalis exemplifies her compassionate towards our patients by helping them cope by finding ways to help them express their emotions and feelings in a more subtle way by having our patients be active participants in our therapy and programming.

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