Employee Spotlight - Page 43 of 57

Riverside Revenue Cycle Rock Stars

What is new and exciting in the education world of Revenue Cycle?   FinThrive!!

FinThrive offers a comprehensive suite of courses, assessments, labs/simulators, badges, certifications, and CE for licensed/registered revenue cycle staff. Not only does FinThrive help us grow and earn new credentials; FinThrive also helps improve Riverside revenue cycle outcomes (e.g. reducing denials).

Riverside Revenue Cycle Directors, Karen Block, Melissa Halcomb, Amber Krumwiede, and Rich Schiltz partnered with ODL Revenue Cycle Trainers to implement FinThrive with their teams starting August 1st, 2022.  Each employee in those departments was asked to complete two badges to help them grow—and/or get credit for what they already know.

What are badges? Badges are credentials you attain upon successfully passing a FinThrive exam. Badge exams allow staff to test out of material (no studying ahead of time). By testing first, you only complete classes on topics you don’t know and we find, when you complete the course and learn the content—most staff pass the test and earn their badge on the second test attempt.

Each badge exam requires a passing score of 80% or greater and employees receive a badge certificate to display their professional accomplishments.  

Congratulations to these Riverside Revenue Cycle Rock Stars!

On behalf of the Operational Directors and the Revenue Cycle Trainers, we are excited to announce and congratulate the following FinThrive Rock Stars that have earned a badge (or badges) as of 9/21/22. 

The below individuals have successfully completed the Revenue Cycle Medical Terminology Badge:

Rylee Alcorn

Oscar Arroyo

Ruth Arseneau

Dawn Bales

Tammy Beck

Melody Blanchette

Amy Burkey

Natausha Burnham

Kelly Collins

Samantha Crater

Kati Crouse

Ashley Davis

Elizabeth Dehoog

Anthony Denault

Hana Derossett

Terri Devine

Stephanie Edwards

Tanya Edwards

Dawn Elford

Susan Emmett

Kaylyn Engleking

Donna Evans

Jessica Ferguson

Sheana Fink

Randall Fisher

Jennifer Freis

Brittany Gibson

Tammy Gibson

Jessica Grad

Melissa Halcomb

Chazz Hamilton

Kimberly Heinstra

Michelle Heintz

Andrea Holmes

Christine Hustedt

Danielle Jeter

Deserea Jordan

Ellie Kaufman

Darla Kemnetz

Tammy Kesteloot

Dawn Kinstner

Kelly Koerner

Johnette Kramer

Jody Krones

Amber Krumwiede

Elizabeth Kutemeier

Kathleen Lacy

Danita Larocque

Michelle Lavoie

Katherine Lenz

Nichole Lewis

Yaminah Lewis

Anne Lovell

Dawn Luebeck

Stephanie Lutes

Desteny Mattocks

Kaylen Mausehund

Verna Mayo

Donna Mead

Jennifer Medina

Bindu Menon

Susan Mickelson

Tammy Mills

Kayla Moliga

Lenise Mulvihill

Lisa Murphy

Carol Murray

Stephanie Murray

Leta Nelson

Denise Owen

Deborah Paulissen

Jessica Persic

Melanie Peters

Jacqueline Pittman

Jennifer Pittman

Ericka Prairie

Christy Ragain

Julie Read

Holly Regnier

Melissa Reynolds

Linda Robbins

Anna Routson

Debra Sexton

Patricia Shermer

John Solomon

Nancy Spraker

Laura Stewart

Valerie Stoltz

Ashley Taetsch

Michelle Thomas

Heidi Thomsen

Katherine Trkulja

Susan Trobaugh

Sawn Trumblay

Laurie Urbanczyk

Kristy Verthein

Amy Warburton

Amy Weiss

Regina Wille

Jenny Woodworth

Donna Zagajowski

Jessica Zarate

Caryn Zelhart

Brisa Zermeno

Heather Ziller

The below individuals have successfully completed the Revenue Cycle Compliance Badge:

Oscar Arroyo

Ruth Arseneau 

Dawn Bales

Tammy Beck

Amy Burkey

Kelly Collins

Kelly Collins

Samantha Crater

Anthony Denault

Terri Devine

Kaylyn Englenking

Sheana Fink

Randall Fisher

Brittany Gibson

Natalie Graddy

Kimberly Heinstra

Christine Hustedt

Kelly Koerner

Brandie Kowalski

Amber Krumwiede

Elizabeth Kutemeier

Danita Larocque

Michelle Lavoie

Dawn Luebeck

Kaylyn Mausehund

Bindu Menon

Tammy Mills

Lenise Mulvhill

Carol Murray

Stephanie Murray

Julie Read

Anna Routson

Debra Sexton

Patricia Shermer

Nancy Spraker

Sawn Trumblay

Amy Weiss

Regina Wille

Donna Zagajowski

Each month we will be celebrating our Revenue Cycle team members’ FinThrive accomplishments!  

We thrive with FinThrive!

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Erika Ohlendorf Named to Illinois Nurses Foundation’s 2022 40 Under 40 Emerging Nurse Leaders List

Riverside Healthcare is proud to announce that Erika Ohlendorf, MSN, MBA, RN, CCRN-K, the Magnet Program manager at Riverside, has been named to the Illinois Nurses Foundation’s 2022 40 Under 40 Emerging Nurse Leaders list.

The award highlights and celebrates young nurse leaders who are making an impact on health care and the nursing profession today, and who will shape the future of the profession.

“Riverside Healthcare is a three-time Magnet Designated hospital. We could not achieve such a distinction without our nursing leaders, such as Erika,” said LaTivia Carr, chief nursing officer at Riverside Healthcare. “I want to extend my congratulations to Erika for this well-deserved recognition and honor and thank her for her continued commitment to nursing excellence here at Riverside.”

The Illinois Nurses Foundation hosted a reception to honor those named to the 2022 40 Under 40 Emerging Nurse Leaders list on September 22, in Lisle, Ill.

Erika Ohlendorf MSN, MBA, RN, CCRN-K, Magnet Program Manager

Ohlendorf currently serves as the Magnet Program manager and has been an active member of two of Riverside’s three Magnet Designation teams. As the Magnet Program manager, she oversees the nurses who make up the Riverside Shared Governance Council. The Shared Governance Council gives nurses the ability to take an active role in research, professional development, and a platform to bring new ideas to the leadership teams to better care for the community we serve. Ohlendorf works alongside nursing leadership to encourage the Riverside nurses to offer their highest thinking, kindest touch and a strong commitment to nursing excellence.

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DAISY Winner: Jackie G.

Let’s recognize our newest DAISY Award winner, recovery room RN Jackie Granger! The DAISY Award is an honor that recognizes the exceptional, skillful, and compassionate care these nurses demonstrate for our patients and families every day.

Her nomination read: “On Thursday, June 9th, 2022, I had some vocal cord surgery. I have no family and a friend was out of town. Each nurse, tech and OR people were all very pleasant and caring. While I am an employee and do work at the PCD central waiting desk, I felt, as a patient, the need to share my remarkable experience. The first thing I remember [when] waking in the PACU was Jackie handing me [a] tissue to cough. The procedure was a bit rough on me and I was feeling emotional. I know this is going to sound cheesy, but part of our mission [is] to provide the kindest touch. Well, I experienced it in PACU from Jackie. She held my hand, she touched my cheek, she tried fixing my hair, she talked to me in such a calm and caring tone of voice. Jackie really cared about me and taking care of me. No matter how old a person is or what their life appears to look like, no one really knows what is going on inside of them. Sometimes we all need a reminder of why, as employees, we are here. Thank you, Jackie, for reminding me.”

Congratulations Jackie! Well deserved! #DAISY

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Frankfort Parade 2022

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Frankfort Parade on Sunday!

Laura Meents, Amber Swaite, Lori Tison, Rivera Sky, Dr. Mathew, Dr. Hamdan, Cynthia Beall, Sarah Bohash, Taryn Cadore, Felicia Christoff, Felicia Currie, Steven Harjung, Kyle Ehrich, Laural Kuczwara, Victoria May, Charlene Narlow, Carrie Oconnor

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Happy Clinical Nurse Specialists Week!

National Clinical Nurse Specialist Recognition Week (CNS Week) is September 1-7, 2022.

CNS week is an annual event that acknowledges the contributions of the nearly 90,000 Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) in North America.

NACNS established National CNS Recognition Week (CNS week) in 2009 to commemorate and celebrate the birth of Hildegard Peplau, who was born on September 1, 1909. Dr. Peplau was a prominent nursing theorist whose landmark book, Interpersonal Relations in Nursing, emphasized the nurse-client relationship as the foundation for nursing practice and today serves as the basis of the CNS role in health care.

CNS Week is a perfect time for CNSs to celebrate and bring attention to the role, and for hospitals and health care systems to pay tribute to the valuable part CNSs play in health care and healthcare delivery.

Riverside’s Clinical Nurse Specialists include:

  • Jen Dole
  • Elaine Papineau
  • Liz Wirth
  • Deena Layton
  • Margaret Ondrey
  • Sue Giacchino
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