Employee Spotlight - Page 44 of 57

Transition to Practice Program – Cohort 4 Graduation

Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer LaTivia Carr congratulated our newest graduates of the Riverside Healthcare Transition to Practice Program. This six-month program helps new graduate nurses transition from academics to practice, further developing critical thinking, decision-making, leadership skills, and clinical skills to become successful partners in our health care team.

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Riverside Welcomes 3 New Employee Animal Ambassadors

Please Welcome Allie, Robinhood, and Sailor, our new employee Animal Ambassadors!

To request Sailor to come visit your department, add “Well In Mind Animal Ambassador” to your calendars in Outlook. You can see the days he will be in the building and request a visit through the calendar. For help, contact Laura Hogan at x35596 or [email protected]

There are 14 Animal Ambassador teams overall! To make requests for all other animal ambassador visits, please contact Volunteer Services.

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Let’s Celebrate September Birthdays!

Melanie Adcock

Charna Ajayi

Fatima Alba

Maria Alvarado

Monica Alvarado

Stephanie Alvarado

Evelyn Alvarez

Andrea Ambriz Soto

Lizbeth Anaya

Genevieve Anderson

Michelle Arp

Mary Arrington

Brooke Arseneau

Carrie Arseneau

Ruth Arseneau

Hamzeh Badwan

Andrea Baldwin

Thomas Barkoski

Shaun Barnes

Tara Barnes-Cherry

Cynthia Beall

Michelle Bednarczyk

Micaelyn Benson

Helen Berdebes

Abhimanyu Beri

Tyan Berry

Allison Betourne

Kara Billadeau

Ronie Bissaillon

Karen Block

Shelly Brentham

Deann Brinkmann

Laura Bucher-Bailey

Natausha Burnham

Jeana Carrico

Zowey Carrington

Cindy Charbonneau

Allan Chase

Gabrielle Cinnamon

Najee Comer

Sheryl Cordes

Aydee Cossyleon

John Cross

Cynthia Croyle

Adrianna Cruz

Isabella Cullins

Colleen Dalsanto

Shaun Darrah

Deandre Davis

Lashae Davis

Arlene Delacruz

Holly Dinello

Aubree Donnelly

Robert Drell

Traci Drell

Robert Eades

Kyle Ehrich

Justin Eickstaedt

Dawn Elford

Marsha Ellis

Kaylyn Engleking

Angela Entrican

Morgan Essington

Kimberly Faulkner

Randall Fisher

Christina Fitzpatrick

Janine Formenti

Brittyn Franklin

Amber Frederiksen

Andrea Fuentes

Shirley Gagliardo

Luis Gamino

Mary Ann Garcia

Kristen Gasik

Heather Gill

Joe Glass

Madison Gossett

Therese Grace

Natalie Graddy

Mary Grant

Shannon Greenquist

Matthew Grossman

Emily Guillen

Genelle Habedank

Alicia Hahs

Trisha Haines

Dakota Hamende

Michele Hanson

Brenique Harris

Shelley Hartman

Latrisse Hayward

Elizabeth Healy

Angela Heldt

Alyssa Henderson

Joscelyn Hernandez

Oscar Hernandez

Renee Hess

Colten Hesterberg

Krystal Hiser

Kendreea Hodges

Stacey Honeycutt

Erika Howisen

Ryan Hull

Kandy Janssen

Ashley Jarvis

Mandy Jensen

Colleen Johnston

Bridget Joiner

Jamisha Jones

Deserea Jordan

Kathleen Kallend

Kenneth Keigley

Kelley Kelley

Ashley Kelly

Maryann Kelly

Amanda Kemnetz

Benjamin Kindem

Dawn Kinstner

Anita Kirk

Jacquelyn Kistner

Payton Kohl

Lauren Kroll

Katie Krutul

Rachel Lagesse

Laura Lalumendier

Darla Lamore

Brandy Lampley

Gayle Landeck

James Langer

Allie Lankford

Melissa Lareau

Danita Larocque

Neva Jean Lauvina

Deshawn Lawrence

Jeanne Leveque

Taylor Lewis

Tara Little

Seban Liu

Elizabeth Lohmar

Meva Loiselle

Kristin Lowery

Katherine Mailhiot

Shannon Male

Linda Manley

Neil Mann

Chynna Maricle

Michelle Marquardt

Haylie Marrs

Kaylyn Mausehund

Victoria May

Susan Mazza

Morgan Mccormick

Kendall Mcintyre

Madison Mckee

Erik Mcmillin

Elsa Medina

Carrie Meents-Whitlock

Ashley Meier

Jeannie Meyer

Kimberly Meyer

Jeffrey Mikols

Amber Miller

Jeanna Miller

Teresa Mondy-Holley

Douglas Mossman

Suchitra Muralidharan

Bailey Murphy

Lisa Murphy

Ashley Murray

Jaclyn Murray

Musa Musleh

Jennifer Nasers

Karen Neukomm

Samantha Nolan

Robyn Nolte

Mary Norton

Camryn Nuesse

Tanya Obenland

Lindsay O’Connor

Kathy O’Grady

Sherry Onsen

Connie O’Reel

Denise Owen

Kylie Patnaude

Katlyn Paul

Abigail Paynter

Kristine Pelletier

Whitney Pelletier

Brianna Pendleton

Laura Perez

Krysten Perkins

Lily Pierce

Eric Pietraszewski

Kelcie Pomaranski

Amber Porter

Stephanie Porter

Tanya Poulin

Ericka Prairie

Julie Pranger

Sue Probus

Jose Quintanilla

Tracey Reddy

Sarah Regnier

Megan Rieder-Doris

Ciara Rivera

Macaella Robinson

Rohan Robinson

Lucille Rodgers

Erika Rodriguez

Fermin Rodriguez

Rebecca Romania

Jaimie Rooney

Walter Rooney

Rene Ruiz

Maurice Runnels

Molly Saathoff

Maribel Sanchez

Odalis Sandoval

Karen Santos

Abrielle Sawyer

Leonard Schaller

Barbara Schuch

Lynette Schulz

Reyna Sconyers

Hannah Scroggins

Jenna Serena

Judith Sharper

Patricia Shegog

Firas Sibai

Ranjeet Singhmoon

Reta Smolkovich

Sean Spilsbury

Kristina Stewart

Molly Sthay

Geneva Stuart

Makayla Stump

Brad Suprenant

Ashley Surprenant

Makenna Switzer

Tyler Thomas

Michelle Thoms

Mary Tolmer

Reagan Trevino

Kate Truetner

Samantha Urban

Sarah Van Landuyt

Amanda Varnavas

Annabelle Veerapaneni

Abby Waide

Amy Warburton

Meagan Washington-Sims

Paula Webb

Amy Wheeler

Gretchen Williams

Marissa Williams

Cristy Wilson

Ronda Wolterstorff-Van Drunen

Tracy Yarborough

Lauren Zell

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Riverside Earns Gynecologic Surgery Excellence Award

What is evaluated?

The Gyn Surgery Excellence Award focuses on Hysterectomies and other Gyn Care

  • Hospitals must be evaluated and rated in both categories
  • Based on risk-adjusted rate of hysterectomies and gynecologic surgery in-hospital complications
  • Use a volume weighted average of the z-scores for these procedures
  • Hospital performance was evaluated in two areas:


  • Laparoscopic or open approach
  • Vaginal or abdominal approach
  • Robotic Assist

Gynecological Surgery

  • Removal or repair of ovary(ies)
  • Removal, repair, or ligation of the fallopian tube(s)
  • Uterine repair
  • Endometrial ablations
  • Cervical Procedures
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Fallen soldiers honored by torch ride to Arlington

The son of Kris Hemp, a member of the Riverside Heart & Vascular staff, was honored at the 13th annual Tribute to Fallen Soldiers Memorial Torch Motorcycle Ride.

From the Daily Journal:

A name not forgotten.

This was the intent of an honorary stop in Chebanse to recognize Army Spc. Grant Yohnka as part of the 13th annual Tribute to Fallen Soldiers Memorial Torch Motorcycle Ride on Thursday.

The annual ride begins in Eugene, Ore., each summer and takes a different cross-country route to Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., stopping along the way to honor 68 fallen heroes in each of their hometowns.

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