Employee Spotlight - Page 48 of 57

Let’s Celebrate April Birthdays

Happy Birthday to those who are celebrating in April!

Christina Abhsie

Victoria Acosta

Alexandria Adams

Cassie Adams

Lindsay Adams

Mohammed Ahmed

Rylee Alcorn

Amdalat Alli-Balogun

Lizy Andrews

Scott Andrews

Nadeem Ansari

Renee Applegate

Ladawn Armstrong

Dawn Bales

Sara Barr

Jamie Bedell

Matthew Beguiristain

Brook Belluso

Angela Benoit

Megan Berns

Sidharth Bhandari

Brianna Blaylock

Bailey Boswell

Jessica Boyce

Clayton Brown

Laura Brown

Robert Brown

Ashley Bunnell

Allison Burger

Taryn Cadore

Stephanie Callanan

Brittany Cantrell

Kerry Carter

Katie Castro

Kristine Charbonneau

Rael Chebii

Abigail Chinski

Jamie Cockream

Jasmine Collins

Lori Cornelius

Rafael Corona

Margaret Crittonden

Kati Crouse

Rikki Damaschke

Timothy Damrow

Molly Davis

Michelle Dean

Cynthia Degroot

Anthony Denault

Gabriela Diaz

Cheryl Drake

Kaylynn Dubois

Kris Duchene

Rachel Edwards

Abigail Elliott

Megan English

Edith Filipiak

Sheana Fink

Laura Fitzpatrick

Michael Fleenor

Susan Flood

Rebecca Foreman

Justine Fox

Paula Franklin

Brantly Fred

Morgan Freitag

Rebecca Frye

Leslie Gaytan

Matthew Gerber

Alexis Gilreath

Marcia Glenn

Ruth Golec

Andrea Gomez

Joni Goudreau

Kim Gromala

Rachel Gschwendtner

Nicholas Guastalli

Naga Guntupalli

Kevin Hack

Madison Halliday

Diane Haltom

Chloe Hanegraaf

Amy Hansen

Wanda Hargate

Jamie Harrison

Cheryl Hartman

Toyin Haynes-Cummings

Travis Heil

Kirt Hendrick

Chekisa Hendrix

Kia Henry

Narcisa Hernandez

Yolanda Hernandez

Chase Hiller

Rebecca Hinrichs

Lindsay Hoekstra

Jackie Houk

Eugenia Huerta

Sabrina Ireland

Kyla Irwin

Madison Jackman

Jenna Jackson

Andrew Jackubowski

Ayreon Jenkins

Danielle Jeter

Brian Joiner

Lawanda Jones

Melinda Jones

Sandra Kambic

Gina Karlin

Carol Keller

Kelsy Kerrigan

Shahzaib Khan

Jillian Kirn

Mary Kleinert

April Klenzak

Mary Kohl

Lorna Krol

Nancy Kroll

Jody Krones

Haley Krumrie

Andrew Kurien

Tatiana Kuykendall

Alisa Lafond

Christi Landeck

Bruce Lane

Vanessa Latty

Ethan Lebeau

Tina Ledesma

Amber Lee

Cheryl Lewis

Camden Lindell

Heather Liscomb

Mishae Lonergan

Laura Lopez

Patrick Lorenc

Sarah Lovelady

Stephanie Lucas

Cassidy Lunsford

Steven Makepeace

Elizabeth Manjarrez

Margarita Mankus

Scott Manley

Rikki Martin

Jeanne Martino

Marniyah Mccarter

Shelia Mcclain

Donna Mead

Susan Meier

Julie Melchor

Alexandra Memenga

Bindu Menon

Lisa Metzger

Kyle Meyer

Nichole Meyer

Brittany Mikel

Rosemarie Mischke

Kirsten Mitchell

Jenessa Moss

Keith Moss

Leann Mossman

Anthony Nemeth

Adam Nicholson

Deborah Norden

Wende Norris

Madelynn Norton

Kenneth Ogle

Erika Ohlendorf

Laura Padilla

Maria Pappas

Lisa Paschall

Jay Patel

Rahul Patel

Vikas Patel

Kendra Pauley

Sandra Paulissen

Sarah Penkas

Jonathan Perabeau

Loretta Phillips

Christopher Pickering

Mark Pickering

Brenda Pomer

Julianne Post

Nicole Pratl

Michelle Pryor

Gwendolyn Reid

Samantha Rivard

Charlotte Roach

Linda Robbins

Rosa Rodriguez

Yosari Rodriguez

Abigail Rose

Denise Rosenboom

Melissa Rosenow

Phantasha Russ

Alisha Russell

Amanda Sadowski

Emily Saindon

Mary Lou Salvador

Elena Santos

Traci Schmalholz

Stephanie Schwartz

Lynn Schwass

Latoya Shelby

Ethan Shores

Amy Shronts

Cheyenne Sifrit

Minerva Sigler

Bernadine Skaggs

Nicole Smith

Shirley Smith

Denise Smyly

April Sobieray

Angela Sparacio

Danette Sparenberg

Nicole Spencer

Kimberly Steeves

April Supinski

Deborah Sutton

Toni Sutton

Shana Teske

April Thurman

Lori Tison

Evangelos Tounas

Stephen Tulley

Tamala Ullman

Marcy Valentine

Albryan Valladarez

Veronica Velazquez-Reyes

Patricia Vilt

Marsha Wagner

Michael Walter

Brandi Warren

Tammy Webb

Matthew Wellings

Miranda Wells

Nicole Wells

Carolyne Wilkey

Dawn Willbarger

Steven Williams

Tracy Williams

Travis Williams

Misty Wine

Elizabeth Wirth

Natasha Wlaznik

Donna Zagajowski

Angela Zambrano

Jennifer Zarack

Beverly Zinke

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Imaging Shows their Green!

Riverside Imaging team got into the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th, 2022. Teams wore green and brought in their best Green Dishes for a group pot (o’gold) luck!

Janae Lang- Team Lead for Central Transport and Kory Mahler- Radiology Front Desk
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Tree-Mendous Staff: March

In honor of the white oak trees that previously grew on the land beneath Riverside Medical Center, we have created an employee/RMG provider contest called TREE-Mendous (replaces previous Brightest Star

TREE-Mendous is the highest recognition we can grant any Riverside employees/providers with recognition and prizes focused on our consistently best of the best providers and staff from all departments/areas of our entire health system.

Eligible providers and employees are those who rise high each day, consistently living in words and actions the behaviors that create remarkable journeys for coworkers and patients/residents and in good standing according to Human Resources records.

Tree-Mendous staff branch out as role models to us all—living our keywords and Professional Standards of Behavior with every patient and coworker, striving for caring, positive connections with every person

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