Employee Spotlight - Page 5 of 59

    DAISY Award Winner: Alaina Wilken

    Congratulations to our newest DAISY Honoree, Alaina Wilken. Alaina is a Nurse with Labor and Delivery. The DAISY Award recognizes the exceptional, skillful, and compassionate care these nurses demonstrate for our patients and families every day.

    Her nomination read, “In August I had my second son at Riverside. The morning of my birth I sent my husband to work for a training an hour away. I was definitely in denial that I was in labor. I had an appointment with Dr. Andrew at 10 and she immediately sent me to labor and delivery because I was 5cm dilated! Due to not having my husband with me right away and having Alaina greet me with a smile was something I definitely needed. She asked me what my goals were and talked through how we could make those things happen. I didn’t have the best birthing experience with my first son in 2022 and had some trauma from it. Alaina went ABOVE and BEYOND to walk and talk me through every step of the way. She made me feel safe and heard while I was alone. My husband finally made it and we made the decision to get an epidural and break my water. A lot of my anxiety came from my negative reaction to the epidural
    the first time. Alaina walked me through the process and told me the steps she will do to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Due to the anxiety I was a sobbing mess while doing the epidural. Some of the people in the room asked me if I was in pain because I was crying so hard. I couldn’t even speak and
    Alaina looked at them all and said “Emily did not have a good experience with the epidural her first birth, but we have a plan to change that this time around. Emily is so strong and can get through this.” To say I was grateful for someone I just met that day and had full confidence she was going to take care of me
    while I am at the most vulnerable state a woman can be at is an understatement. Looking back at my second son’s birthday it was EVERYTHING I have ever dreamed of and it would not have been possible without Alaina

    For a full list of nominees, click here.

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    2024 November DAISY Honorees/Nominees

    Congratulations to Alaina Wilken, our November 2024 DAISY award winner!

    LoganBoudreauCHC RN/RMG Orthopedics
    Antonio TavaresClinical Nurse Educator/Education
    SkylerCarterRN/5 East
    CrisVillanuevaRN/Cardiac Cath Lab
    RileyMillerRN/Emergency Services
    CourtniePattersonRN/Emergency Services
    ReyganCarlileRN/Emergency Services
    AzucenaPinaGutierreRN/Geri Psych
    EthanTrumbleRN/Procedural Care
    RylieKarvinusRN/Procedural Care
    JackieGrangerRN/Recovery Room
    KaylaLoweyRN/Special Procedures Lab
    AbigailBanterTeam Lead/Labor & Delivery
    JacquelynPomeroyWeekend RN-Benefits/5 East
    MeganHoneRN/Emergency Services
    AlainaWilkenRN/Labor & Delivery
    ShayleeMontgomeryLPN/Emergency Service
    JadaMontgomeryRN/5 Med Peds
    RileyWebbRN/5 Med Peds
    LisaStolzenbachRN/5 Med Peds
    NicoleSmithOncology RN/Watseka Diagnostic
    RyanWhitesellRN/ICU 3
    EduardoBernabeRN/5 Med Peds
    ArielleElliottRN/5 Med Peds
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    Lifting As We Climb: Advancing Together Through DEI

    At 11:30 a.m. Thursday, January 16, a Kankakee County Chamber of Commerce Women in Networking event will feature guest speaker Tierra Dixon-Sullivan, Riverside Healthcare’s DEI Coordinator, as she speaks on Lifting As We Climb: Advancing Together Through DEI.

    The event, presented by Riverside Healthcare, will be held at Adventure Commons, 70 Ken Hayes Drive, Bourbonnais, and will include lunch. The cost is $20 for chamber members or $60 for prospective members.

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    Celebrating January birthdays!

    Jessica Ackman-Quiles
    Alyssa Adams
    Ryan Adams
    Bolade Adeyooye
    Abigail Allen
    Julie Allen
    Kelia Amland
    Rosa Awanya
    Jessica Bailey
    Allison Ballantine
    Angel Barclay
    Ashlee Barger
    Janette Barraza
    Amanda Barrett
    Amanda Barrios
    Hollie Beattie
    Nicole Beaupre
    Amanda Berardelli
    Randy Berg
    Olyvia Bikar
    Carrie Bishir
    David Bogard
    Sarah Bolin
    Ellen Bollino
    Kathryn Boudreau
    Tanya Bowsher
    Nicole Brewer
    Shannon Brouette
    Avery Brown
    Lori-Ann Bruer
    Noel Buhr
    Melissa Burke
    Michael Burlingham
    Aidan Butz
    Keith Buza
    Jimikka Bynum
    Corinne Cahill
    Ryan Campbell
    Abby Cantrell
    Biannca Carter
    Tonya Cavanaugh
    Kaitlain Cavender
    Jenna Cella
    Magdalena Chaca
    Lynn Chamberlain
    Naresh Chandan
    Becky Conn
    Samantha Corbin
    Alison Cote
    Nicole Coughenour
    Tia Covington
    Tamara Crawford
    Michael Cullinan
    Kathy Dandurand
    Mallory Decker
    Krystle Deepankar
    Aimee Diaz
    Rosario Diaz
    Regina Dickerson
    Caroline Dobosz
    Kristen Doud
    Nicole Dufrain
    Chasitie Dytkiewicz
    Arielle Elliott
    Meka Elmore
    Gabriel Estby
    Cassandra Faulkner
    Angela Fleck
    Laurie Forehand
    Chase Fozzard
    Lisa Frias
    Melissa Fricke
    Iga Fudyma
    Jessica Gallegos
    Michael Gambla
    Grace Ghidotti
    Nicole Gibson
    Alanna Glogowski
    Julie Goyne
    Tiffany Grafen
    Briyyante Grant
    Megan Grise
    Keri Grob

    Jasmine Guerrero
    Jerry Guerrero
    Jennifer Gutierrez
    Bryan Hack
    Pamela Hale
    Chazz Hamilton
    Taylor Hanko
    Meghan Hannig
    Lynn Hartman
    Angela Hays
    John Hebert
    Qutia Henderson
    Tammie Henderson
    Lavonne Herron
    Elise Hertzberg
    Jordan Hildreth
    Nazhai Hill
    Katelyn Hobson
    Ivan Huerta
    Christine Hustedt
    Jasmine Hutcherson
    Leon Ivy
    Stephanie Jackson
    Kristina Jette
    Deandrea Jones
    Victoria Jones
    Jennifer Jordan
    Carly Kaminke
    Brittany Kellam
    Ryan Kelly
    Samrat Khanna
    Kaitlyn Klenzak
    Brandie Kowalski
    Macy Kranz
    Jessica Kroll
    Rosane Krueger
    Alexis Ladd
    David Lamontagne
    Florence Lane
    Hannah Lawrence
    Stacy Lawrence
    Susan Lecuyer
    Kayla Leftridge
    Steven Lemner
    Hannah Lowe
    Priya Madan
    Kris Madison
    Rhonda Magee
    Josephine Majka
    Calindy Mann
    Monique Martin
    Robert Martin
    Catelyn Marzke
    Courtney Maurer
    Ryan Mayo
    Anita Mazique-Williams
    Leighann Mccasland
    Kyle Mccord
    Kiara Mcdonald
    Tara Mcfarlin
    Darrell Mcgee
    Laura Meents
    Adilene Mendoza
    Michelle Meyers
    Julie Mitchell
    Jazmin Molina
    Daylee Moore
    Jermiyha Moore
    Teela Moore
    Emily Moritz
    Julie Morrical
    Danielle Moser
    Robin Motz
    Maria Munoz
    Donald Murphy
    James Naranjo
    Gabrielle Neely
    Amanda Nelson
    Kera Newberry
    Mary Nicholson
    Sean Oconnor
    Payton O’Connor
    Kimberly Ohlrogge

    Theresa Oiler
    Keith Olenik
    Juana Osborn
    Madilynn Owens
    Jocelyn Pacheco Alvarado
    Sidney Parise
    Dhara Patel
    Bonnie Patterson
    Courtnie Patterson
    Stephanie Pena
    Gavin Phillips
    Karen Pijus
    Kristina Pirollo-Ketchum
    Alfred Ponton
    Sydney Price
    Tara Prue
    Kimberly Quinlan
    Adamo Quiroz
    Deon Reese
    Ashley Renwick
    Laura Richardson
    Teairra Riley
    Kyli Ritzma
    Gabriela Rodriguez
    Jessica Rogers
    Matthew Roseen
    Samaria Rosenthal
    Rochelle Ruff
    Carrie Saldivar
    Jisela Santos
    Mary Schwer
    Sara Serena
    Debra Sexton
    Jasmine Sheppard
    Stephanie Sherrell
    Sharon Shoudis
    Breanna Simon
    Olivia Skubic
    Mary Smith
    Nichole Solomon
    Rachael Stash-Anderson
    Courtney Stewart
    Jean Stewart-Lowey
    Cathy Stygar
    Lisa Sullivan
    Charles Swanson
    Quinlyn Sweet-Hardy
    Julie Szobar
    Gwendolyn Tammen
    Hanna Teneyuca
    Katelyn Testa
    Mathew Thomas
    Meara Tilstra
    Jennifer Triner
    Katherine Trkulja
    Dawn Trumblay
    Phillip Turner
    Travis Turrell
    Holly Upton
    Danielle Valentino
    Tina Varvel
    Liliana Velazquez
    Kristy Verthein
    Maria Villagomez
    Julie Vilt
    Jana Wahlen
    Faith Ward
    Dominique Washick
    Brandi Watson
    Gavin Webb
    Warren Weber
    Amy Weiss
    Briana Whalen
    Elliot Williams
    Whitney Williams
    Denica Williamson
    Tianna Wilson-White
    Julie Witvoet
    Angela Woods
    Angela Workman
    Briana Worthey
    Drew Wright
    Dominique Yonke

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