The Daily Journal has opened voting for the 2024 Readers’ Choice Awards and there are several categories to vote Riverside.
Once you cast your first vote, you will with your name and email. From there, you can cast one vote per category per day until voting closes on January 26.
It is applicable to vote for Riverside in the following categories (in bold). The sub-bullet point(s) is the item to select.
For more information and to vote, go to
Riverside Healthcare employees will receive $0 enrollment at Riverside Health Fitness Center during Open Enrollment!
Did you know Riverside Healthcare employees can receive a discounted RHFC membership for themselves and one additional spouse or dependent*? Those who sign up during open enrollment will also have their enrollment fee waived. Call the center at (815) 929-1200 for more details or visit us during Membership office hours for a tour!
The Membership office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am until 8pm, Fridays from 8:30am to 5pm, and Saturdays 8:30am to 2pm.
*Must be .5 FTE or higher. Limit one additional spouse or dependent. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
I’ve Fallen and I CAN Get Up
Riverside Health Fitness Center is hosting a fall prevention class on July 19 at 10:30 a.m.
In the demo, participants will learn how to prevent falls, fall safely, and what to do if a fall occurs. The class is free for members and $5 for non-members.
Sign up at the RHFC front desk. Please call (815) 929-1200 for more information.
Riverside Health Fitness Center is offering a 50 percent discount on enrollment fees throughout July! Stop by for a tour or call (815) 929-1200 for more information.
Riverside Health Fitness Center is located at 100 Fitness Drive in Bourbonnais and is the area’s only medically-based fitness center.
Riverside Health Fitness Center and Riverside Physical Therapy are hosting an Optimal Performance Program for high school athletes. Coaches Bobby De Lira and Aubrey Vaughan will take athletes through a six-week program built for the off-season. They will work on stability, agility and mobility while focusing on core and lower back strength. The coaches will also spend some time on the importance of nutrition.
The program will cost $125 and will be every Monday and Wednesday at 5:30 a.m. starting April 11 and ending May 16.
Sign up at Riverside Health Fitness Center: 100 Fitness Drive, Bourbonnais, or call (815) 929-1200.