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Employee Update: September 6, 2023 – Engagement Survey

For anyone hired to Riverside on/before 8/7/2023, we need your help.

 Our 2023 Riverside Employee and Provider Engagement Survey opens 9/6 and we want to hear from YOU!

The Riverside Engagement Survey is open 9/6 – 10/2 (closes 10/2/2023 at 11:59PM)!

Each one of you are important Riverside family members and we want to hear from you. To help us make sure Riverside is a great place to work, please complete our survey.  Below (and attached) are frequently asked questions about our survey, why filling out the survey is important, and how your voice matters.  

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I be able to complete the survey?

There are no paper surveys. On 9/6, starting at 5am, emails will start to go out to your Riverside Outlook email. The email sender name is: Press Ganey on behalf of Riverside Healthcare ([email protected]). The email subject line is: Riverside Healthcare Employee Engagement Survey 2023.

I didn’t get my email, what do I do?

Emails will be sent out weekly. We will check for any failed emails so that we can resend later this week. If you were hired after 8/7, you will not receive an email to complete the survey as you are still forming your opinion of Riverside.

There is a link in the email—how do we know it’s not a phishing scam?:

The email will contain a unique to you link to the survey and is NOT a phishing scam or a test from our ITS Security team. Do not forward the email; again, the link is unique to you to make sure we only complete one survey per employee.  You will also NOT be asked to give any password or login information when clicking on the email link to the survey. After you click on the survey link, if you are asked for credentials (like a password), please do NOT share any information; instead, notify Information Security immediately. 

What if I delete the survey email? If you do not complete the survey or delete the first email, you will get email reminders weekly until you either complete the survey or until the survey closes (same email sender name and subject line as above).

I click on the link and the survey isn’t opening. What do I do?

Make sure you are using Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Edge Chromium, or Google Chrome as your web browser. If you would like more help, any employee may contact Press Ganey by emailing their Client Support Desk at [email protected]. A Press Ganey employee will respond to your email within 24 to 48 hours. Press Ganey Client Support Desk hours are Monday – Friday 7am – 7 pm.

How long does the survey take, and what kinds of questions will be asked?

This survey takes, at most, 15 minutes to complete.  The survey questions cover: Culture of Safety, RMG Provider, resiliency, and happiness with leaders, the organization, coworkers and the job itself.   As part of our DEI work, there are new additional questions on diversity, equity and inclusion. There also are questions required to maintain our Magnet designation (only for RNs and APRNs).   Survey questions are assigned based upon your job role/department according to Human Resources as of 8/7/2023.

I’m confused with who I am rating when it asks about senior management, the person I report to, etc. How are these items defined?

When completing our survey, please refer to these guidelines (they are shown in the survey).

  • Organization: consider Riverside Healthcare.
  • Senior Management: consider the CEO/president and vice presidents of Riverside Healthcare; the executive team.
  • The person I report to: consider the person you report to directly; typically the person who conducts your yearly performance appraisal. For RMG staff, please evaluate your Practice Manager/Site Supervisor.
  • Work unit: consider the group of employees you work with on a regular basis, usually reporting to one manager.
  • Employees: consider the people who work for Riverside Healthcare.

Will my feedback change anything?

We have also made organizational changes based upon feedback from our last survey such as: Riverside messages and videos from me and other Riverside leaders to improve communication, career development opportunities such as scholarships, tuition discounts, career ladders and apprenticeships/trainee, years of service reinstatement, Attitude of Gratitude and Mission Possible appreciation, creation of a new DEI leader and statement, and more. 

When are results available? Survey results will be available to leaders by mid-November 2023.

Are there incentives for filling out a survey?

Departments achieving 85% or more of employees filling out a survey will earn a pizza party for their department due to exceeding our health system goal of 75%. 

Is this survey confidential?

Yes.  Leaders get a report for their department on how many staff filled out the survey—but will NOT know WHO filled out the survey. Riverside leaders will keep asking you to fill out the survey even if you have already done so as they watch the report on how many staff have completed the survey. Riverside leaders have no way to know who completes the survey other than a count of completed surveys. Your responses are completely confidential. Please refer to Press Ganey’s Confidentiality Statement below regarding how they protect your voice.

Who do I contact if I have more questions about this survey and how my results will be shared? Contact Riverside’s ODL Department at 815-935-3276 or extension 22702 or email questions to [email protected].

Confidentiality Statement from Press Ganey

Press Ganey is the third-party vendor for the Employee Engagement Survey. We want to take this opportunity to reassure you Press Ganey protects the identity of survey respondents. They would not remain in business if they did not maintain confidentiality of individual survey answers.  All survey data is collected at Press Ganey on their computers. Press Ganey uses a unique survey link to place survey data into the correct department and leader and to ensure data integrity (employees can only complete one survey per person). Press Ganey further safeguards confidentiality through the following measures:

  • Survey data and survey comments are only shown in aggregate
  • Any grouping with fewer than 5 respondents will not have any available data.
  • Riverside’s Organizational Development and Learning (ODL) team and your leader cannot view results for any grouping with fewer than 5 respondents.
  • Any grouping with fewer than 5 respondents will be rolled up into an aggregate grouping that contains at least 5 respondents.
  • Riverside leaders and ODL cannot view an individual employee’s survey
  • Riverside leaders and ODL staff cannot link data or comments back to any individual
  • Riverside leaders and ODL staff cannot link data or comments back to any individual
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