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- What is the update on Paylocity?
A: Thank you for your patience as we work through the transition to Paylocity. Currently we have completed two payrolls. Careful attention continues to be given to ensure payroll is accurate for every employee. Any discrepancies have been or will be corrected. We recommend reviewing your paycheck each payroll to ensure your understanding of how information is listed (check the Tip Sheet on Rivernet), and to check it for accuracy.
Also, if you take benefits from Riverside, review your Benefits Confirmation to make sure benefit deductions are in line with your choices. Please continue to be patient as we all work together to get the system fully transitioned in. It is our commitment to make sure this system facilitates a great experience for you. To help with questions or concerns you may have, please reference the Tip Sheets on Rivernet first, connect with your one-up leader if you can’t find assistance with the Tip Sheets, and as a last option reach out to Again thank you for your continued patience.
2. What is the staff process for clocking in (outside of geofencing)?
A: A clock-in means the employee is in the work area and immediately ready to go to work. So, clocking in should only occur WITHIN the geofence. Employees must enable location services on their device to clock. If employees clock outside of the geofence, they receive a warning on the device, and the clock records to the timecard. A system alert is immediately sent to the leader alerting them that the employee clocked outside the geofence. The clock location displays on the punch map with an audit trail, in the timesheet audit trail, and on a report called the Employee Punch IP Address Report to manage this conduct. Clocking outside of the work area (geofence) is a violation of our Timekeeping and Time Records policy and is grounds for corrective action up to and including termination.
3. Past paystubs (before January 2025) are not available on Paylocity. How do I access them?
A: 2024 paystubs are still available in Infor. Infor is available for your use via Rivernet or from on the Employee page. After logging in, click on Paychecks and Pay Stubs.
4. How are automatic lunch breaks deployed—does it depend on the department or is there a consistent handling of this across Riverside?
A: Automatic lunch breaks are standardized to Illinois law based upon clock in/out times. Employees are to notify their leader of a no- lunch or can submit punch times for their lunch. Refer to the Rest and Meal Periods policy or Paylocity tip sheets. Some departments are choosing to have staff clock in and out for meal breaks and have auto-breaks turned off. Any department leader may request auto-lunch be turned off for their area by contacting Paylocity Support.
5. Can we change how IVO time is put in the system? Everything currently has to be converted to a decimal from hours/ minutes.
A: There is a reference chart for minutes to decimals under Paylocity tip sheets. Or, take the number of minutes and divide by 60 to get the decimal amount.
6. Is there a timeframe in which the SMR report will be available in Paylocity?
A: There is not a timeframe identified at this time. As one becomes available, that information will be shared.
- Do we have radiologist that read pediatric Imaging tests (MRI, CT, etc.)?
A: Our new Radiology Group (as of Jan. 1), ALLRADS, is able to read Pediatric Imaging tests.
2. A physician indicated interest in meeting the radiologists before having them do procedures on their patients.
A: Dr. Shafaie will be coming to the medical staff meeting.
Riverside services:
- Do patients need a referral for the ABA treatment?
A: Yes. A provider referral is needed.
2. Will we be limiting insurances for ABA Therapy?
A: No, we will take all payers.
3. What is the plan for the space at the Atrium previously used by OAK?
A: We intend to use some of the space to add ABA Therapy.
4. Will OT be moving to Meadowview with PT?
A: Yes, OT/Speech/PT will all be moving to Meadowview from the Atrium this year.
5. What will PT do at Coal City?
A: General physical therapy, Mondays and Wednesdays, which began on February 3.
6. What is going on with the empty 2 Med/Peds unit at the hospital?
A: Plans are underway to expand the Behavioral Health Programs into this area in the future.
7. Is Immediate Care permanently closed at the Atrium?
A: The Immediate Care in the Atrium (Bradley) is temporarily closed and will reopen when providers are available. Occupational Medicine is still open there. The next closest Immediate Care is at the Pavilion (Kankakee). Refer to your Riverside MyChart for availability of Immediate Care times and locations.
8. Will St. Mary’s transfer patients to Riverside if the patient requests to be transferred here?
A: Patients can be transferred from one ED to another under a couple of scenarios. If the facility cannot provide the level of care for the patient or by patient request. In the case of a patient request the patient may be responsible for the cost of the transport -depending on the situation.
9. How much space will be available in the expansion to Meadowview?
A: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy will be moving into the space. The space allocated will meet current space needs and allow for future growth of the program.
10. Lack of access to DME in the community has been a pain point. How can we help people get what they need? Are we planning on reentering the DME service again?
A: We do not have plans right now to reenter into the DME market. Lincare in Bradley continues to serve many of our patients and the community. Other services are also available.
11. Home Care and Hospice coupled together – Is this planned for the future?
A: We are not pursuing being a hospice agency at this time.
12. Has any thought been given to the aging community of women and finding physicians/ NPs to help with perimenopause/ menopause?
A: In addition to your OB/GYN, please work with your Riverside Primary Care provider who can address your concerns or refer you to a specialist if needed.
Miscellaneous questions:
- It appears that Biomed is not answering tickets in a timely fashion, both in the inpatient and outpatient settings. Further there is a lack of communication on how long repairs will take. What should be the expected response time from Biomed?
A: We appreciate the feedback. Biomed is working with our clinical team on a more timely and complete communication process.
2. Can there be new signage at Watseka to better identify the Immediate care.? Patients often go to Carle and then we lose the patient.
A: We will certainly look at better signage.
3. Is Dr. Rugino being replaced?
A: We are actively recruiting another neurosurgeon.
4. Request for employee gift to be a sweatshirt instead of another jacket. Employees who have been here may years have quite the collection.
A: Thank you for the feedback. We will keep this in mind as we look at future gift options. In the meantime, the MarketPlace Gift Shop has ever-changing inventory with Riverside’s logo.
5. The Meadowview parking lot is rough, can any work be done on that for Therapy?
A: We will certainly look into this.
6. Has anything done to address childcare needs for Riverside employees?
A: We have discounts with Lasting Impressions and Playpalz.