News & Media - Page 42 of 43

Riverside Health Fitness Coaching Extended at Hospital

Coaching is an option available for all employees regardless of whether they met their Key Health Metrics. Coaching visits have been extended at hospital to the end of October.  Please see events calendar on the REACH portal to schedule.  Two visits are required to be credited as a RAS to meet level 2. 

  • Credit will be recorded by the health coach following the last coaching visit.
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REACH Level 1 Deadline is Extended to October 15

 REACH Level 1 Requirements

1) Online health assessment

2) Annual Labs/Physician Visit

Schedule your REACH well visit today!

REACH Labs: Change to Pavilion Outpatient Center 

To better accommodate our patients and minimize waiting times, please avoid having your REACH labs drawn on Monday or Tuesdays in the Pavilion Outpatient Center.   

If you choose to have REACH labs drawn on a Monday or Tuesday, please utilize one of the following sites:

• Bourbonnais Campus

• Watseka Campus

• Workforce Health

• Coal City Campus

We appreciate your flexibility in providing the best experience for our patients. The REACH Deadline has been extended to October 15, 2020. 

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Riverside Employee Food Pantry

A food pantry for Riverside Employees is now open. The pantry is set up in the Cyber Café, located in the back of the cafeteria dining room, and has been stocked thanks to donations from the Partners In Caring fund. 

This pantry is available for those employees who need it. There is no direct monitoring of who takes food, how much or why. We only ask that you take what you need, as you need it. The access code is 1-2-3-4.

We also know that our employees are generous people and will want to know how to support their colleagues in need. Donations of healthy food can be made by dropping them off to the Volunteer Services office Monday through Friday. Food donations must not be expired or have container damage. In addition, monetary donations can be made by giving to Partners In Caring via payroll deduction by emailing Lauren Short at [email protected], or by credit card online at

Adopt a week of groceries! Here’s how:

Many departments have volunteered together to collect monetary donations to cover a week (or more) of groceries for the pantry! 

The MealTrain calendar below allows you or your department to adopt a week of groceries for Riverside employees in need. That’s approximately a $250 fundraising goal or just 10 donations of $25 each.

Interested? Take 4 easy steps!

1) Sign up for the week your department wants to adopt to cover the food pantry grocery bill.

2) Watch for an e-mail toolkit from Volunteer Services with promotional flyers, tips, and payroll deduct forms.

3) Promote your department fundraiser and act as the point person to collect donations of cash, checks, or employee deduction forms to benefit the food pantry!

4) Turn in your total raised, get a photo with your work team, and celebrate the impact you made for fellow employees in need!

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Riverside’s Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Certified by AACVPR

Riverside’s cardiovascular rehabilitation and pulmonary rehabilitation programs have earned certification by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). This double-certification recognizes Riverside’s commitment to improving the quality of life and enhancing standards of care for recovering heart and pulmonary patients in the community. 

Riverside’s cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation programs are designed to help people with cardiovascular events or conditions (e.g., heart attacks, coronary artery bypass graft surgery) and pulmonary conditions (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], respiratory symptoms) recover faster and live healthier lives. Both programs include exercise, education, counseling and support for patients and their families.

Riverside’s cardiovascular rehabilitation team is led by Dr. Nha Huynh, a cardiologist at Riverside Heart & Vascular Institute. The pulmonary rehabilitation team is led by Dr. Roselle Almeida, a pulmonologist at Riverside Pulmonology Specialists.

New Providers

Dr. Roselle Almeida
Dr. Nha Huynh

“This accreditation is a reflection of our team’s dedication to providing the best care to our patients,” said Dr. Huynh.

“The guidelines developed by the AACVPR standardize practices and help us to improve our patients’ health, leading to better outcomes,” added Dr. Almeida.

The AACVPR certification is a peer-reviewed accreditation process that requires extensive documentation of each program’s practices. Programs certified by the AACVPR are leaders in the cardiopulmonary rehabilitation specialty by offering the most advanced practices and proven records of high quality patient care. The AACVPR certification for both programs is valid for three years.

To learn more about Riverside’s Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation services, visit

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