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    State of Riverside Frequently Asked Questions

    FAQs from States of Riverside

    Staff pay

    1. What is the update on pay review and changes?  Will anyone get their paychecks decreased?  How did Riverside go about comparing wages to other companies for the compensation analysis?  Can you speak to wage compression and how we are handling that?

      A:  With the new pay rates taking effect in July, each employee should have had an opportunity in June/ early July with their one-up leader to discuss their new pay rate.  If additional questions exist, please work with your one-up leader.  
    2. When the pay adjustments happen, after July, do recruiters have a formula to follow to make sure the discrepancies in pay scales don’t happen again?

      A:  Yes.
    3. Will paycheck stubs be clearer with Paylocity?

      A: Yes.  One of the clear needs in our new system is to make paycheck review by employees much simpler and easy to understand.  
    4. Employee Self Service Port (ESS)- will this functionality (or similar) still be available Jan. 1 with Paylocity transition.

      A:  One of our priorities in choosing our new system was easy access via employee self-service.  Paylocity provides employee self-service—although we have not yet finalized with our vendor what features will be live January 1st. We know paystubs, ET balances, work schedules and more are securely available via Paylocity employee self service.
    5. Nurses receive a pay increase when they get their Bachelor’s degree. Why doesn’t Riverside give a pay increase to non-nurses for earning a Bachelor’s degree?

      A:  Our goal is to stay competitive in the job market and ensure fair compensation for all positions. To achieve this, we base pay on job descriptions and the education or degrees required for each job, aligning to market data for each job and the job’s educational requirements to set pay. 

      Market data continues to indicate RNs with a BSN are compensated at a different rate of pay than RNs without a BSN.   The Commission on Magnet and Leapfrog both recognize the research demonstrating patient outcomes and quality are improved with BSN nurses. 

      As a Magnet organization, we are expected to increase and report on our percentage of BSN nurses. We offer various scholarship, tuition discounts, and tuition reimbursement options (check out Workforce Edge on Rivernet under Education Pathways) to support our employees. Through ladders developed in areas such as Rehabilitation Services, we have found ways to reward advancing knowledge. We encourage employees to speak with their leader if interested in exploring a career ladder. And, as we identify market data or new requirements to increase advanced degrees, we will adjust our practices accordingly. 


    1. What are some bigger challenges Riverside is facing?

      A:  Physician recruitment has been difficult, especially for specialties like urology, ENT, and OBGYNs.  We consistently have additional need for Nurse Practitioners.   All of this affects access to services for our patients and so is a top priority. In addition, cyber security continues to be a very front focus, so please be diligent and aware of what you’re clicking on and stay up to date on your IT security trainings.  
    2. Communication is lacking- suggested a quarterly update flyer– Similar to State of Riverside but more often.  Weekly connections, bi-weekly short videos by Admin with updates.

      A:  For regular updates, please check out the Connection.  While it is sent to all email inboxes on Monday mornings, the site is updated through the week with new information that can be accessed anytime.  Department specific updates should be handled through communication process with that leader.  
    3. Could there be a screen saver that lists the daily announcements? Example-Fit testing, others?

      A:  See answer to the previous question.  Rather than multiple channels for information, the Connection is the one-stop shop for broad based, organizational communication.  
    4. Will we be updating wayfinding, it was said in the past that we would?

      A:  We will regularly review wayfinding in the organization.  Specifically, we are reviewing how we can be easier to navigate for Spanish- speaking patients and guests.  
    5. Where do we get the information on where we should target new projects/focus?

      A:  In addition to conversation with your one-up leader, and organizational communication through the Connection, please continue to attend States of Riverside when offered.  
    6. What about Senior Life and what is going on there? (The presentation was very hospital-oriented)

      A:  There is a lot going on at Senior Life. The Dialysis den has opened at Miller.  Many capital projects are underway at SLC Westwood with a new Fire Pane being installed in the building and a new call light system.  We will attempt to add more information on SLC for the next State of Riverside Presentation.
    7. Can there be more State of Riverside offerings for non- hospital campus locations?

      A:  In our next round of sessions we will consider additional options.  We are offering a video-recorded session that any Riverside employee can access through Olie.  
    8. Why aren’t safety huddle notes sent out to all staff? This was the practice at another organization.

      A: We will take under advisement- Plans to video a safety huddle to share with staff
    9. Why are Safe Havens/Good Catches so difficult to manage?   There needs to be a way to report and not have to go through the multiple resolutions screens if these are not relevant to the reported issue.

      A:  For now, a simpler method has not been identified.  Suggested changes cause additional workarounds.  We will continue to consider.  

        Healthcare Services:  

        1. Are the new insurance products we now take going to be offered to us in our available plans for Riverside employees?

          A:  Open enrollment will again be in the Fall and at that time final decisions about health insurance products will be made available.  In the meantime, please contact Christi Landeck in HR with questions about Riverside benefits.    
        2. Is there marketing going out for the now accepting of BCE, Aetna Better Health, Blue Choice/Options? 

          A:  Yes.  Beginning in May, a broad marketing campaign is in place including digital and traditional media along with personal outreach to key groups.  
        3. For the incentive for becoming Spanish-language certified, how do employees find out more?

          A:  They can contact Janet Jensen in Education, or Bryan Hack who is the leading the project.
        4. Will Coal City have radiation services as well?

          A:  No.  Chemotherapy/ Infusion Services will be available, but radiation therapy will still be referred to the Betty Burch Bridgewater Center in Bourbonnais.  
        5. Miller Dialysis Den – will this be opened to the public?  

          A:  This is only available to Miller Patients/residents per CMS regulation.
        6. Do we have an “open” MRI?  

          A: No, but we have a wide bore MRI to accommodate larger patients.
        7. Employee heard from the community that when you present to the ER, the person can be loud to share information (in relation to a sexual assault and/or LGBTQ patient). Patient did not feel welcome. Is there a way to make the space more private?

          A:  The privacy of our patients is important to us. We have designed our space with that in mind by allowing for all private rooms in throughout our Emergency Department. We have recently taken the extra step of adding signage to guide patients to stay back until it is their turn to approach the desk unless they have a life-threatening condition so the person at the desk can speak privately to the staff at the desk. We do need to take minimal clinical information at this area to ensure we are getting patients the care they need, but patients can always ask to speak to clinical staff privately if they choose. We have added a paper form at the desk so patients can write their presenting complaint if they prefer to not say it out loud. The process then would be to move the patient to a private area to gather more information. 
        8. What can a Riverside employee do to discuss with a patient about Cannabis?  Patients are talking about it.  What is our policy on this?  And what can the clinician do or not so as it relates to talking about it with the patient?

          A: Patients should be directed to speak with their Primary Care Provider on these matters.  
        9. Have we found anyone for therapy for special needs kids?

          A:  ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) Therapy will be coming to Riverside late 2024 or early 2025.  This program will be at the Riverside Atrium, adjacent to Pathways and will focus on therapies designated to young children with an autism diagnosis.  
        10. What is the time frame for the IC in Bourbonnais?

          A:  This Immediate Care can open when the Nurse Practitioners are recruited and onboarded.   No specific timeline can be committed to at this time.   
        11. With the Coal City expansion, can you provide a list of services that will be coming to that location?

          A:  Riverside is in the process of recruiting an oncologist for Coal City.  With oncology, Riverside will be providing chemotherapy infusions and other infusions.  Physical therapy will be offered onsite.  These services are in addition to the specialists who already come to Coal City.  We will be evaluating what additional specialists the community could benefit from.
        12. What will happen to Mental Health in Frankfort?

          A:  At this time, the patients currently seen in Frankfort can be seen at the Bradley location.  Of the 400 patients, only 66 were from the Frankfort area.  The majority from Peotone and Manteno.
        13. Will mammography be coming to Frankfort?

          A:  We will propose this again in the 2025 budget process.  As with all budgets, we have to prioritize the needs of the organization and allocate funds based on patients’ highest priority and needs. 


                              1. What is the timeline for the completion of Coal City Campus expansion? 

                                A:  The expansion is expected to be open in December 2024.
                              2. Any plans for the ortho 3rd floor?

                                A:  Yes, as we continue to recruit additional physicians we will build that space out into physician clinic space.  Some of this space could be built out as early as next year.
                              3. Hoover HVAC system replacement/ upgrade timeline?

                                A:  On time for Fall 2024
                              4. Are there any plans to rehab the 4th Floor – Rehab Unit? It is not as updated as other inpatient units.

                                A:  Yes. The renovation will need to happen over time (2-4 rooms per year until it is done). We will be allocating capital dollars for this project beginning in 2025. 

                                    Safety and Security:  

                                    1. Are there any plans to have a security guard posted at Bourbonnais campus full time?

                                      A:  Not at this time.  We have a security guard post at the Atrium that does routine rounds at the Bourbonnais campus and can be contacted if needed.  For all emergency’s please call 911. 
                                    2. Have we considered making ICU a locked unit?

                                      A:  Yes. We must ensure safety while remaining patient/family-centered. Rather than locking down the unit, we will bring in extra security when we need it. 
                                    3. Cybersecurity issues and concerns?? 

                                      A:  Travis Heil and his team are diligently working to ensure we stay protected from attacks.  Leadership is working on Epic downtime procedures, to prepare. As a reminder, do not click on phishing emails 


                                        1. Can you tell me more about the Remarkable initiative?

                                          A:  The BeRemarkable initiative is designed to help us continually improve our organizational culture.  We want Riverside to be the very best place for all of us to work, to be the very best at caring for our patients and their loved ones.  Adopting AIDET for everyone in the organization to improve and standardize great communication, is one example.  Right now, there are specific areas of emphasis and training for leaders in the organization.  While you will continue to hear more about it, feel free to discuss it with your one-up leader on what they are learning and experiencing with BeRemarkable.  
                                        2. Why are so many physicians leaving RMG?  It seems like they’re here a year or two, and they’ve resigned?

                                          A:  For a variety of reasons.  Most physicians we recruit are not from the area and some relocate after a time to be closer to family. Currently, three physicians are attending fellowships.  Some find that Riverside is not a good fit for them.  
                                        3. “North Campus” what does that mean for the picnic?

                                          A:  The Bourbonnais campus.  
                                        4. Can attendance points policy be reviewed? Employee stated she felt new policy is unreasonable. Alluded to the fact that there used to be a grace period of 5-7 minutes vs hard cut off at expected start time of shift. 

                                          A: We will be reviewing this policy with our leaders to make adjustments on how tardiness points will be handled and if a grace period of tardiness can be allowed. This will be important in setting up our new HRIS program, Paylocity, for timekeeping. We recognize tardiness can be impactful in areas causing coworkers to have to stay over to report off to oncoming staff, impact opening up departments for caring for patients or staff and more.  In reviewing this policy, we will strive to balance the needs of all departments with a common leadership expectation.  
                                        5. Did we change insurance?

                                          A:  No, there was a change to medical leave insurance/disability insurance that was e-mailed out when the change occurred.

                                                Did you miss attending a State of Riverside in person? Watch in on-demand through OLIE but following the directions below:

                                                1. Log into OLIE and in the search box, type state of riverside. Click on the search icon.
                                                2. Course should be the only one in the search results. Click Start Course to launch the video—make sure to have sound and popups enabled and the course is built to track completions.
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                                                Heart & Vascular Institute- Gold Performance Achievement Award

                                                Congratulations! Riverside Healthcare is a recipient of the 2024 Chest Pain – MI Registry Gold Performance Achievement Award.

                                                This award is evidence of our team’s hard work and commitment to delivering the highest quality in cardiovascular care to transform heart health. Achieving this award is a commendable accomplishment, congratulations!

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                                                Wedding in the Emergency Department

                                                Written by ED Team Leader Tami Walters:

                                                Saturday, May 11th was not a great start for our team. A GSW who didn’t make it, a critical stroke patient that needed urgent surgery, and a heavy mental health day with no end in sight, just to name a few of our moments that day. Our staff was amazing through it all! Pretty sure no one got lunches that day, and not one person complained! We worked together as a team, supporting each other and reminding ourselves to just ‘keep swimming’ as the day just continued to bring more and more sick people!

                                                One of our patient’s was pretty critically ill…dangerously low blood sugar, oxygen levels, and circulating blood volume. We worked tirelessly for hours to stabilize, but more abnormal things were found; The patient decided to go hospice (Jan, our super amazing social worker worked for hours getting the hospice orders in place) and more bad news continued to come in, as the patient needed blood, couldn’t keep sugars up, very high potassium, and very high troponin.

                                                As our team continued working to stabilize, the patient and his significant other asked if we could call a Chaplin to marry them. They weren’t clueless to how things were looking. They’d been together for many years, but with this illness, just couldn’t find the right time to plan a special day. I’m proud to have watched our team work quickly to organize one of the sweetest moments of my career!

                                                Nicole, our amazing secretary called pastoral care and he was quick to join us. Nicole also bought two cupcakes. Members of our super star respiratory department (Jen, Tricia & Liz) supplied the flowers.

                                                Reagan H, our sweet Tech was the maid of honor (she’s getting married this month too and was the perfect person to stand with the bride). As the ceremony began, our patient flow did not slow down, but thankfully we could spare a few of our staff to witness a once in a career moment!

                                                Guests were Brooklynn & Carsten (two more of our amazing Techs) Billy, who was the patient’s primary nurse that day, the RTs and myself! I’ve been a paramedic and nurse for 27 years and have never experienced such a rollercoaster of emotions on a single shift! This family was so grateful to our staff for pulling this together! I told Billy when he gave report ‘tell the floor we took care of the ceremony, now they’re in charge of the reception’!

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                                                Watch the State of Riverside through OLIE

                                                Did you miss attending a State of Riverside in person? Watch in on-demand through OLIE but following the directions below:

                                                1. Log into OLIE and in the search box, type state of riverside. Click on the search icon.
                                                2. Course should be the only one in the search results. Click Start Course to launch the video—make sure to have sound and popups enabled and the course is built to track completions.
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                                                Gender Affirming Care

                                                As part of Riverside’s commitment to provide remarkable care to all, our Endocrinology office began offering gender-affirming services this year. We encourage you to check out the video below to learn more about what gender-affirming care.

                                                If you are interested in additional LGBTQ+ training or resources, you can utilize Riverside’s free access to The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center. Click here for steps to access or contact our DEI Coordinator ( for more information.

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