Nursing - Page 14 of 31

Register now for the Nursing Quality Conference – April 7

Getting home after a hospital stay is an often overlooked transition that can leave many patients with chronic illnesses exposed to unnecessary risks. During this conference, you will learn the key elements of successful patient transitions: knowledge, resources, and self-efficacy. Hear firsthand from expert speakers
as you discover ways to create empowered patient self-care and improve overall patient experience.

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Happy Certified Nurses Day!

Riverside Healthcare is celebrating Certified Nurses Day on March 19 by honoring its board-certified nurses.

Board certification of nurses plays an increasingly important role in the assurance of high standards of care for patients and their loved ones. Nursing, like health care in general, has become increasingly complex. While a registered nurse (RN) license provides entry to general nursing practice, the knowledge-intensive requirements of modern nursing require extensive education, as well as a strong personal commitment to excellence by the nurse.

Riverside Healthcare encourages national board certification for all its nurses. There are many nursing certification specialties, such as medical-surgical, pediatric, pain management, cardiovascular, oncology, hospice, case management, emergency nursing, critical care, and many others. Many nursing certification bodies exist to serve the full range of specialized nursing care offered in the contemporary health care system; national nurse-certifying bodies should be accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC) or the National Organization for Competence Assurance (NOCA).

Please join Riverside Healthcare and the nation’s national nursing certification organizations in honoring those hardworking, dedicated nurses for their professionalism, commitment, and a job well done!

The following is a list of certified nurses that are being recognized for their professionalism, leadership, and commitment to excellence in patient care:

Elizabeth Aprile
Dana Arseneau
Sarah (Nicki) Baer-Leveque
Krista Barton
Kelsi Berczynski-Hogan
Paula Blair
Lisa Bodemer
Sarah Bohash
Bradley Boswell
Kathryn Boudreau
Judi Brault
Lori-Ann Bruer
Jennifer Bruner
Heather Buck
Amanda Cadle
Tara Campo
Vanessa Capps
Rick Carlson
Karen Cherry
Andrea Cinnamon
Diane Clatterbuck
Janet Clifford
Amy Creek
Cynthia Croyle
Kelly Cuffe
Kristin Cyrier
Chloe Dalton
Heather Davis
Krista Davis
Jeuz Paul De Los Santos
Erin Dean
Afton Dearinger
Elizabeth Deck
Jessica Degroot
Rachel Denault
Barbara Deyoung
Holly Dinello
Victoria Dolan
Jennifer Dole
Wendy Dyer
Rachel Edwards
Melissa Emerson
Libertyana Erfe
Edwina Ferris
Laura Fitzpatrick

Carolina Ford
Tiffany Furlan
Kimberly Gaddis
Alanna Glogowski
Jacqueline Granger
Jessica Graziani-Simone
Shannon Greenquist
Cassie Haase
Amy Hansen
Kendra Hansen
Barbara Hartman
Laura Healy
Angela Heldt
Tammie Henderson
Renee Hess
Sarah Himes
Lindsay Hoekstra
Amy Hornbuckle
Kathryn Inczauskis
Keyoma Jamerson
Michelle Jenczmionka
Colleen Johnston
Deborah Johnston
Nicole Jones
Alexa Kieffer
Sheila Kirchner
Jill Kollmann
Joanna Lambert
Christine Langellier
Rubi Lauvina
Deena Layton
Bethani Lewis
Tara Little
Lynn Lochner
Georgina Lopez
Kimberly Lyons
Kris Madison
Caitlin Mccarthy
Mellody Mcdonald
Christina Mitsdarffer
Karen Moore
Victoria Morgan
Andrea Mouritzen
Tammy Mylcraine
Wende Norris

Jena Nowicki
Carrie O’Connor
Lindsay O’Connor
Sarah O’Connor
Katelyn O’Dell
Erika Ohlendorf
Margaret Ondrey
Natalie Palka
Elaine Papineau
Maria Pappas
Tracey Peachey
Sarah Penkas
Ashley Perreault
Karlie Peters
Heather Petkunas
Jessica Pettigrew
Barbara Pfingsten
Julianne Post
Julie Pranger
Dena Reddick
Laura Redenius
Samantha Rivard
Nicole Robinson
Cheryl Rogers
Kim Ruckman
Rachel Ryan
Allison Savini
Deanna Schroeder
Janella Schroeder
Marisa Schrum
Karla Schweigert
Brittani Seagren
Sharon Shoudis
Jeanine Sims
Michelle Smith
Nicole Smith
Nicole Spencer
Gwendolyn Tammen
Shana Teske
Whitney Trevino
Mandi Troli
Sarah Tudor
Katherine Van Hoveln
Karen Verrill
Katan Winterroth
Taylor Zavala

Note: We regret the omission of anyone who has a certification. This list is developed from staff turning in a copy of their credentials to the Organizational Development & Learning Department at Riverside. If we missed you this year, send a copy of your certification to [email protected]. THANK YOU for helping us keep our records up-to-date.

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Nursing Research Journal Club

Read the article linked here and complete the survey to be entered to win.


Complete all articles this year to be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE!

The March article was a study completed by Riverside nurses in 2022 and presented at the 2022 ANCC Magnet Conference.

Interested in participating in Nursing Research, contact Erika Ohlendorf, at [email protected].

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