Nursing - Page 25 of 31

DAISY Award: Tina & Carly

March winner Tina Varvel

We have struggled with writing this note, but feel that a heartfelt thank you is in order. How does a family thank a person who held their loved ones hand as they took their last breath? Tina was my mothers nurse in ICU. We cannot express the gratitude, kindness and dedication that this beautiful nurse showed to our family, mother, grandmother, and for her vocation. With restrictions on visitors in the hospital during this pandemic, there has been a temendous burden placed on nurisng staff; with that said they handled the ICU death of our loved one with great communication, honesty, understanding and class. 

April winner Carly Johnston

 I have a sister that at first said she would watch my dog while I was in the hosptial. She watched him x2 days and told my son and older sister she was going to put him down. She casued me such stress, that I started to cry. My Morgan is my life, he keeps me calm and happy. He is the best frined I could ever have. Carley knew I was upset, she went above and beyond to help me. She contacted Socail Services to help me. She even offered to take hom in herself. That goes to sow you the love of her patients and her true love of pets. She is an amazing young woman, this hopsital is truly nlessed to have her. I honor her compassion. She made me feel better about my little dog. This world needs more Carleys.  I cant say enough. Her kindness and compassion will stay with me always, and I’ll never forget her. Maybe there would be less violence and more love. Carley’s supervisor is a lucky man.

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Magnet Survey Information



Riverside Medical Center was designated as a Magnet organization in 2011 and 2016 by the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program®. This prestigious designation recognizes excellence in nursing services. In June 2021, Riverside Medical Center is applying for re-designation.

Patients, family members, staff, and interested parties who would like to provide comments are encouraged to do so. Anyone may send comments via e-mail and direct mail.
Your comments must be received by the Magnet Program Office by June 18, 2021

NOTE: All comments are CONFIDENTIAL and are not shared with the health care organization. Comments may be anonymous, but they must be sent in writing to the Magnet Program Office.

Address: American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
Magnet Recognition Program Office
8515 Georgia Ave., Suite 400
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3492
E-Mail: [email protected]

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A Message from our Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer LaTivia Carr

In today’s video with LaTivia Carr, Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, we learn some very exciting news about the Magnet re-designation process. Watch it here:

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New Grad RNs: Transition to Practice Workshop

Our New Grad RNs completed an Escape Room activity during a recent Transition to Practice Workshop. These nurses demonstrated exceptional teamwork and critical thinking while learning how to care for and prevent complications with our surgical patients.  

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