Nurse to Nurse – April 2021: Welcome Our Newest Nurses to the Riverside Family
We are delighted to have the following nurses join our team. On behalf of everyone at Riverside, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes to the newest Riverside Nurses!
Melanie Bloomquist Janet Clifford Sandria Coleman Meghan Doud Kimberly Etzel Ruth Henson Chelsea James Steven Melzer Drake Milk
Earn while you learn to become a Riverside C.N.A.
REMINDER – the deadline for summer semester is nearly here!
The Riverside Growing Your Future Certified Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.) Apprenticeship Program is currently accepting applications (application form linked below) due to Riverside’s OD and Learning Department no later than April 5, 2021. Orientation is 5/11 and classes are 6/1 to 7/22.
If interested in the fall semester (starts end of August 2021), please complete this application by 4/30/2021 and return to Riverside’s ODL Department.
What is the Riverside C.N.A. Apprenticeship?
Riverside is committed to helping our employees throughout their career journey and has helped Riverside employees complete their C.N.A. while maintaining their Riverside job. You can EARN while you learn.
The Summer 2021 Certified Nursing Assistant Apprenticeship is an 8 week, competency-based program in which students attend classes at Kankakee Community College and complete hands-on clinical experiences at Riverside 4, 8 hour days per week for Monday through Thursday (32 hours per week classroom/clinical time). Your registration fees, course fees, and books or related materials to attend the Kankakee Community College (KCC) C.N.A. program, if accepted into the program, are all paid and you are also paid for your 32 hours per week to attend the program by Riverside for your current position.
Note The Fall semester is 16 hrs per week, meeting two days per week.
What happens when I finish the program?
Upon successful completion of the program’s coursework and meeting State of Illinois requirements including passing the NATCEP exam, participants become a registered State of Illinois C.N.A.
If offered a C.N.A. job at Riverside, participants are expected to accept the position at Riverside for a minimum of 18 months or pay back the educational funding received towards his/her C.N.A. to Riverside.
Who is Eligible?
Interested Riverside employees must meet all KCC admission requirements for the C.N.A. program to be eligible to participate in the apprenticeship program and must be in good standing as a Riverside employee. Also, he/she must have worked at Riverside a minimum of 6 months before the program starts on 5/11/2021.
What do CNAs do?
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are very important members of our Riverside healthcare team. Becoming a C.N.A. is often the first step in someone becoming a nurse. C.N.A.s are responsible for helping the entire clinical team and patients too. The compassion and skill of a C.N.A. in giving patient care helps reduce stress for those who are sick and unable to care for themselves. We employ C.N.A.s in the hospital and in our senior life areas. Being a C.N.A. is hard work—and very rewarding.
Please contact the OD and Learning Department at 815-935-3276 or extension 22701 for more information—or turn in your completed application to OD and Learning or [email protected] no later than 4/5/2021 for the summer semester, and by 4/30/2021 for the fall semester.
Congrats to DAISY Award Winner Ryan W.
This month’s DAISY Award winner is Ryan Whitesell, an RN in our 3ICU area. He was nominated by the family member of a patient who experienced significant loss yet found solace in the kindness and compassion towards their family, stating in part: “… Ryan was my dad’s nurse on Friday and Saturday. He was very kind and wanted to explain everything to us in detail. He provided updates, and the manner in which he spoke to us was very soothing. He would go in the room and just sit with my mom and talk about whatever she wanted to talk about. He checked on my mom, often asking if she needed anything. He was present- you could tell he was sincere and that he genuinely cared about our family. When it came time to take my dad off the vent, it was Ryan who, once again, calmly walked us through what would happen, and he said, you just tell me when you are ready. Then he sat with my mom again. At one point, he even said, “thank you for sharing your stories about your husband with me. I wish I would have had the chance to know him before all of this happened.” That statement just touched me because- again, he was present and genuine and kind as if my dad was his own family member and his only patient.”
The nationwide DAISY award program recognizes the exceptional clinical skills and compassion shown by nurses. To nominate a nurse, or learn more about this program visit

Magnet Minute: March 2021
This month we feature Alyssa Brack, RN, BSN, RN-BCand Abbey Banter RN, BSN, RNC-OB. Alyssa is a nurse on 2MedPeds and has been with Riverside for almost five years! Abbey has been a Labor and Delivery nurse for 15 years and with us here at Riverside for 6 years! Thanks to your dedication to nursing and Riverside, Alyssa and Abbey!