Nursing - Page 29 of 31

What Magnet Means to Me

“I would say that I have been on the Magnet Council for several years now, and I enjoy my time working with the other nurses throughout the hospital. Not only does being on the Magnet Council keep me informed of all the amazing work going on throughout the hospital, but it also gets me to critically think about what I can do to better the care I am giving to my patients. I love being able to sit down with my peers and look at the care we are giving and think of ways that we can improve, or to just look at the data and see how wonderful we are doing, such as having no CAUTI’s for the entire year. I think that being a Magnet nurse has made me realize all of the little things I can do to ensure the quality of care I am giving to my patients is excellent.”   – Alicia Arseneau, Rehab RN

“Magnet nurses have increased autonomy because they have the knowledge to draw from when issues arise. Over the last 13 years, we have worked to strengthen governance so the direct care nurse has a voice over his or her practice. Simply put, if a nurse feels there is an obstacle, the first impulse isn’t to run up the chain of command, but instead bring in resources to problem-solve herself.”  – Heather Petkunas MSN, MHA NE-BC, Mgr. Professional Practice and Clinical Support Services

“I LOVE that once a month I get to sit with nurses from all over the organization. It helps me to stay current on what is going on with the other units, has helped me feel connected to the hospital, and boosted not only my knowledge but my confidence. In return, I bring back to my fellow colleagues the information that we and the rest of the councils are working on. As a nurse in behavioral medicine, letting others know what our challenges are not only gives them a glimpse into our world but I receive ideas and feedback that may improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction. I was lucky enough to present at Shark Tank a few years ago. To know that what we as nurses and staff at Riverside would have our ideas heard and possibly implemented was a great feeling. I am extremely focused on patient/staff safety and in the Quality and Safety Council we make a difference!”   – Joslyn Dexter RN -Registered Nurse Outpatient Behavioral Medicine Services, Pathways

“Magnet hospitals outperform other hospitals nationwide for clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and nursing satisfaction by focusing on best practices inpatient care. Being part of a Magnet organization inspires nurses like me to make a difference in not only the care we provide to patients but also in the tools and education provided for nursing staff. Magnet has allowed me the opportunity to participate in and chair Magnet councils where many frontline nurses make decisions about their own practice and help shape the future of their workplace. It has allowed me to make changes in my work environment through research projects and education. It encourages nurses to keep making continuous improvements as we strive towards excellence, which is definitely my mission as a Quality Improvement Nurse. Magnet supports nurses having a voice and empowers nurses like me to transform healthcare.”  – Kristi Behrends, MSN, RN, Quality Improvement/Stroke Coordinator

A Magnet® culture: Innovations and Changes due to bedside nurse feedback in our shared governance structures based upon 2018 and 2019 annual reports (attached) include:

1.         Input to design, educate and monitor our sepsis protocols resulting in nationally recognized 5-star patient outcomes from HealthGrades.

2.         Developed and implemented a pilot for a Night Shift Educator position which was filled in late 2018.

3.         In 2018, RMG Council developed a standardized sample medication label and patient education process using Epic, which resulted in 99% compliance by 2020 and transitioned to maintenance mode in clinics.

4.         Behavioral Health bedside RNs proposed the purchase of Kindles/tablets available for patient use on the Mental Health Unit and this purchase of 15 tablets was made in late 2018 for 2019 implementation.

5.         Senior Behavioral Health has been doing stay interviews most of the year as designed and recommended by two councils’ bedside RNs.  Their Employee Engagement Index increased from 4.88 in 2017 to 5.13 in 2018 and Turnover is down from 22% in 2017 to 15% YTD.

6.         Councils elicited training needs from the health system and aligned:

  • Tuition discounts, increasing the amount of nursing excellence funding to match tuition reimbursement in 1/2020 (allowing full-time nurses to receive up to $6000 annually if using both nursing excellence funding AND tuition reimbursement).
  • Obtained and offered CE Direct and Success Pays, which allows for RNs to complete certification review courses and nurse certification exams with no out of pocket expense. 
  • Full-time nurses (and APNs) are eligible for up to $500 for certification/professional organization memberships annually.
  • These funds’ processes and approval are all administered via one of our shared governance councils.

7.         Councils conducted surveys to identify developmental needs and then hosted skills days to improve confidence and competence for various departments annually.

8.         Revised the Epic Acuity tool to meet the needs of the patients. The council continues to work with nurses and the EPIC build team to PDCA the new acuity tool. Note: this is a pain point as there is a perception that we manage to the staffing grid vs. using the acuity tool or using together.

9.         Implemented a new Transition to Practice cohort training approach for new grad RNs in 2020.

10.       Implemented a new 12-week orientation for nurse practitioners in RMG—developed via NP feedback.

11.       Created regular shared governance NP meetings to allow for continuing education and practice support/feedback. These meetings are lead by NPs.

12.       2019 Annual Report: The Unit Based Councils continue to work hard at analyzing and creating action plans to reduce falls.  Rehab and MHU-Adolescent made huge progress in decreasing their fall rates.

13.       The council worked with the Vascular Access Team on implementing new IV catheters called Nexiva.  Rainie Doolin (bedside VAT RN) will present the results to the council at the November council. We implemented Nexiva housewide in 2020.

14.       UV Box and Xenex Tent – presented by Infection Prevention RN for approval to senior mgmt. Approved and in use in early 2020.

15.       Bedside RN from OR (Mellody McDonald) presented Child-friendly tablets for perioperative areas to Senior Management in 2019, and was approved and funded in late 2019 for implementation.

16.       Case Management RNs requested assistance for patient transportation at time of discharge.  Funding and support by senior management was approved in 2019 for the Medivan to be used to transport patients from the hospital to home with a goal of transporting 2 patients a day Monday-Friday.

17.       Bedside RN with Research Analyst conducted a Riverside Professional Nurse Evidence Based Practice Study.  Findings include Riverside nurses believing in EBP but implementation (connecting evidence to practice at the bedside) is an area of opportunity. 

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Nurse to Nurse: Find your Inspiration

Find your inspiration…

I encourage you to watch the documentary, In Case of Emergency, from filmmaker Carolyn Jones, and to read The Wisdom of Frontline Nurses Report: 14 Solutions.

Both connected me to purpose and renewed my pride in our profession. Here are a few caveats that came to mind that have helped me stay grounded and focused when I am feeling overwhelmed and distracted by negativity.

Consider the source. It’s easy to get pulled into discussions on social media or spend a lot of time tuned into the news. Stay updated from reputable sources; go right to the source. Read the studies and interpret the data and consult with trusted colleagues.

Practice gratitude. Consider starting or ending each day, recognizing/writing 3 things you are thankful for.

Use your voice. As nurses, we are educators, and we are trusted. Share the facts, focus on the evidence, and be honest about how much remains unknown about COVID-19.

Avoid engaging. While we can’t control the actions of others, we can control our own reactions.

Surround yourself with positive people. When you are presented with negativity, take a deep breath and listen. Often, that is enough. If not, see #4!

Escape. Make time for the things that bring you joy, whether it’s getting outside, reading a novel, or cooking something new. Self-care is more important than ever.

Look for the silver lining. For me, my college-aged kids returning home last spring gave us time together as a family that we would not have otherwise had. I will treasure the memories that we made during that time.

Smile. Even behind your mask ????

Say hello. Reach out to others, whether greeting them during your walk, making a call or text, or sending a note in the mail. Stay connected.

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Nurse to Nurse: Welcome our newest nurses to the Riverside Family

We are delighted to have the following nurses join our team. On behalf of everyone at Riverside, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes to the newest Riverside Nurses!

Morgan Alcorn
Jennifer Benson
Hannah Dayhoff
Kelsey Gilboy
Christian Jimenez
Amber Pesavento
Ashley Reves
Jacy Shank
Jessica Taylor
Haley Williams
Jessica Arnstrom
Viralkumari Daslaniya
Stephanie Evans
Rachel Goodberlet
Colin Lamie
Anne Price
Chelsee Roberts
Molly Snyder
Amy Tiburtini
Natasha Wlaznik
Abigail Becker
Meghan Davis
Kristina Gardner
Maris Heil
Nadya Payne
Marissa Pulido
Amber Rudd
Lydia Steinke
Caroline Torkelson
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Nurse to Nurse: Focusing on the Good

I am sure that you will agree that 2020 has been one of the most challenging and difficult years in our lifetime.

Riverside Nurses, like many nurses across the globe, have been on the front lines caring for patients without fail or fear in the face of the ongoing pandemic. During the hardships, staff have continued to forge ahead and keep the focus on living our mission of providing our kindest touch and strongest commitment to excellence! We have not overcome Covid-19, but there is a glimmer of hope that we will be able to ease the damaging effects of this virus in the near future. I encourage you all to remain hopeful, prayerful, and vigilant in slowing the spread through practicing the recommended safety measures.

We have entered the holiday season and I want to express my sincere gratitude for the resilience, teamwork, and compassion our nursing team continues to exhibit through these challenging times. It’s during these moments that I find myself focusing my energy on finding the good in every situation. There are many good things happening here at Riverside. There are nurses who are grateful for their Riverside family, and who have banded together during these last several weeks to lift each other up and persevere through trying times. Our teamwork shows us that we are stronger when we are together.

During recent leader rounds nurses on the COVID Unit shared what they are grateful for:

Kate D. 5E RN- “I am thankful for how strong our team is.”

Cassaundra F. 5E RN- “I am thankful for coffee-it gets us through.”

Melissa B. 5E RN- “Things are great overall. Our team is working under tough conditions, and they are pulling together and supporting each other, which makes things better.”

Tara K. – “I am thankful for my salvation, my family, and my faith.”

Many staff expressed sincere gratitude for the overwhelming support the Inpatient Tower has received from the Manpower Pool support staff. The Riverside Family has really exemplified the “One Riverside” mantra.

All of the staff throughout the inpatient nursing tower have shared that they are thankful for the new Massimo® vital signs machine that have EMR integration. This new technology enhances our care by providing the following:

  • Replaces current NIBP machines past support life cycle
  • Improves work efficiencies
    • Helps eliminate manual transcript errors
    • Easy positive patient identification
    • Designed for easy maintenance
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