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2024 October DAISY Honorees/Nominees

Congratulations to Alexandra Ekhoff, our October 2024 DAISY award winner!

JosephDuaxRN/Home Health Care
LaurenHaasRN/Emergency Service
CrystalEarlsRN/4 Rehab
KayleeFahnestockRN/Emergency Service
SarahMcClintockRN/Procedural Care
AlexandraEkhoffRN/Home Health Care-Daisy Honoree
CrystalKnepperRN/3 Tele
SharonGardnerRN/Procedural Testing
LeslieMaloneRN/Wound Center OP HBO
KimRuckmanRN/Obstetrics Unit
JacobBrunerRN/ICU 3
JanetWeldonRN/ICU 3
DianaBoydRN/3 Tele

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DAISY Award Winner: Alexandra Ekhoff

Congratulations to our newest DAISY Honoree, Alexandra Ekhoff. Alexandra, a.k.a. Ali, is a Nurse with Riverside Home Health Care. The DAISY Award recognizes the exceptional, skillful, and compassionate care these nurses demonstrate for our patients and families every day.

Her nomination read, “Ali saved a life yesterday. Ali arrived at her scheduled time to visit a very ill patient in their home. She knocked on the door several times and no one answered. She could hear the patient’s cell phone ringing and his dogs were barking. Ali knew something was not right. She called the police department to come do a well check. The town Ali was visiting does not have their own police department and the county police officers who needed to respond were miles away. The officers talked Ali through entering the home since the door was unlocked and she is well known by her patient. Ali found her patient gasping for air in his bedroom, on 10 liters of oxygen, and in respiratory distress. 911 was called and the patient was transported to the ED. Because of Ali’s strong will and gut feeling that something was not right, this patient’s life was saved. Thank you Ali for going above and beyond &caring for our home health care patient’s.”

For a full list of nominees, click here.

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Staff present Diabetes Care: A Team Effort

On Nov. 7th, a Nursing Continuing Education event titled “Diabetes Care: A Team Effort” was presented to Riverside nurses and staff from across the organization.

Mary Kohl started the morning with opening remarks.

Presenters included:

  • Dr. Rachel Shell, MD (Riverside Endocrinology Specialists) who presented “Pathophysiology of Type Diabetes”
  • Kellye Eagan, CDCES, BCACP, BCPS (Riverside Medical Group) who presented Medications Indicated for Diabetes Management (highlighting those with obesity crossover), Expectations, Complications, Counseling, and Coverage Tips
  • Julie Allen, MS, RD, LDN, CDCES, CPT (Riverside Diabetes Center) who presented Diabetes technology and nutrition

There were 30 staff in attendance.

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