Nursing - Page 5 of 31

2024 August Daisy Honoree/Nominees

Congratulations to McKenna Ganassin who was named our August 2024 DAISY Honoree.

AshleyWallingRN/Labor & Delivery
DeborahJohnstonRN/Procedural Care
Kendree’aHodgesCNP/Watseka Primary Care
KatherineLeClearNP/CHC Admin.
JillMitchellRN/Labor & Delivery
PeytonMullinRN/Emergency Service
GraceGormanRN/Emergency Service
DavidLukowskiRN/Geri Psych
ColinLamieRN Team Lead/Geri Psych
MichaelCullinanRN Team Lead/Emergency Service
GwendolynTammenRN/Wound Center OP HBO
MeghanDavisRN Registry I/Mental Health
MaryLongtinRN/Med Peds
CharlyMpunduRN/Emergency Service
RickCarlsonNP/RMG Internal Medicine
JoannaLambertNP/East Court St CHC
ReneeKoernerRN Team Lead/ICU
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Congrats to McKenna – Our August DAISY Winner

Congratulations to our most recent #DAISY Award recipient, Mckenna Ganassin. Mckenna is an RN in Labor & Delivery.

Her nomination read: “After being rushed into an emergency c-section with my first child & almost losing her, you can only imagine how anxious I was when I started going to appointments for my second child. During my second pregnancy I went weekly for NSTs and each week McKenna was there. Each week she made a point even if she wasn’t my nurse to come in to say hello and ask how I was feeling. McKenna was there when I had my daughter in 2022, and knew my story. Knowing I was shaving a scheduled c-section this time, she made a point to help me mentally and physically prepare for it each week. Step by step what would happen, who would be there, and how different it was than an emergency delivery. She met me where I was at with my nerves & anxiety and made me feel heard and never once made me question if my feels were valid. She was there the day I went in for my scheduled c-section and met me with a smile on her face and open arms and said “let’s do this mama!”. During the whole prep from check-in to the OR McKenna explained everything to me in great detail on what was happening now and what was next. It was because of her I was prepared for all to come. It was because of her I had a completely different childbirth experience this time, and for that I am forever grateful!”

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DAISY Winner: Bailey B.

Congratulations to our newest DAISY winner, Bailey. Here is the story:

Today, I ended up having to go to the ER to get checked out during my shift and Bailey was called to come over to the unit from the ICU to absorb my patient load so that I could be seen by a physician. Bailey came over without hesitation, took report, and I was able to go downstairs to get checked out. When I returned, I took my patients back over. Bailey could have left the unit since I was back, but instead he went above and beyond and provided some very much needed TLC to one of my patients. I witnessed Bailey’s compassion as he gently removed dried blood and build up from my patients nose and applied ointment and offered good skin care. Today was a very busy and overwhelming day, but Bailey stayed positive and continued to help out even when his task of watching over my patients was over. Bailey is always fun to work with as he is the nurse on the unit that is always lifting our spirits with his happy energy. The patients feel it too! Being a newer nurse, Bailey definitely shines with not only his knowledge in nursing, but his willingness to learn and his efforts to achieve optimal patient outcomes. I can not thank Bailey enough for everything he has done to help not only me, but the whole unit. THANK YOU BAILEY!!!

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