Volunteer - Page 2 of 3

Thanks to our Riverside SERVE Day team!

Thank you to the 30+ staff who joined us for our first quarter Riverside SERVE Days with Center of Hope Food Pantry in Kankakee! Our Riverside team members put together hundreds of food kits, stocked shelves, worked the distribution line, and more. A special thanks to Riverside Housekeeping who donated and dropped off 3 pallets of paper towels to Center of Hope that Riverside could no longer use in our own facilities. Thanks all for living out our mission to care for our community!

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A Call to Arms

Would you or someone you know be interested in volunteering to staff a COVID-19 vaccination clinic?

Who can help?

Healthcare professionals authorized to administer vaccines in the scope of practice including physicians, PAs, APRNS, pharmacists, RNs and LPNs.
Per national emergency response amendments, the same groups with licenses expired in the last five years are now eligible to administer vaccines as well.

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