Past Events from November 22nd, 2022 – December 16th, 2022 – Page 30

2022 Bradley Lighted Christmas Parade

Represent Riverside at the 2022 Bradley Christmas Parade! The first 50 employees to sign up will receive the limited edition Riverside Pom Pom Beanie featured here to wear during the parade. This year the marketing team is hosting a pre-parade party in the Riverside Marketing Office Parking lot located at 43 Meadowview Center in Kankakee. […]

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Night Shift Shopping Hours at the Gift Shop

On Wednesdays - December 7 and December 21, the Gift Shop will be open from 5am to 8:30am so that night staff and early day staff can do some Christmas shopping. On December 7, employees will be able to get in on the Gnome and Ornament sale. Yankee Christmas Candles will be buy one get […]

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Kankakee Christmas Parade

Join us for the 2022 Kankakee Christmas Parade! Line-up information coming soon! If you come to the Bradley Christmas Parade and the Kankakee Parade, you will not only receive a Riverside pom pom beanie, but also a Riverside insulated tumbler AND you're entered into a drawing for an Apple Watch Series 3! Click below to […]

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Riverside Senior Life Communities Caregiver Support Group – Kankakee

Riverside Independent Living 100 Westwood Oaks Court, Kankakee, Illinois

Build a support system with people who understand. Alzheimer’s Association® support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for people living with dementia and their care partners to: Develop a support system.Exchange practical information on challenges and possible solutions.Talk through issues and ways of coping.Share feelings, needs and concerns.Learn about community resources. Call […]

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Riverside Senior Life Communities Caregiver Support Group – Bourbonnais

Riverside Assisted Living 85 East Burns Road, Bourbonnais, Il

Build a support system with people who understand. Alzheimer’s Association® support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for people living with dementia and their care partners to: Develop a support system.Exchange practical information on challenges and possible solutions.Talk through issues and ways of coping.Share feelings, needs and concerns.Learn about community resources. Call […]

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Westwood Express

Grab a golden ticket, put those Christmas pjs on and join us for hot cocoa and cookies with Santa while Mrs. Claus reads the tale of The Polar Express. After story time, grab a picture with Santa and give him your Christmas list! Please RSVP to 815-935-3273 or respond "Going" on our Facebook Event:

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