October is National Audiology Awareness Month
October is National Audiology Awareness Month. The American Academy of Audiology is encouraging you to remember how important your hearing is to your daily life, along with encouraging hearing screenings and hearing protection. We have…
Well in Mind’s Self-Care Tip of the Week
Remember your “why”! When times get tough at work, remember why you’re doing it. Is it to keep a roof over your head? For fun money for a vacation? Because being in healthcare is what…
Retrain Your Brain: Week Two
Welcome the second week of the Retrain Your Brain Challenge! Featured Activity: Linking LinguisticsLog in to the REACH portal to see if you can determine the word that links these two together. Don’t forget to check out…
Attitude of Gratitude Photo Contest – What is Happiness?
Below are photos that were submitted for the What is Happiness – Attitude of Gratitude photo contest. Madison M. – Happiness to me is going outside of your comfort zone with the ones you…
Well in Mind Self-Care Tip of the Week
Practice Humility! Pobody’s Nerfect! Know your faults and don’t be ashamed of them. Instead, try to work on them. Practicing humility helps you to learn and magnifies your strengths. Well In Mind is here for…