In honor of the white oak trees that previously grew on the land beneath Riverside Medical Center, we have created an employee/RMG provider contest called TREE-Mendous (replaces previous Brightest Star contest). TREE-Mendous is the highest…
Health care workers prioritize the needs of others over their own needs,so self-care can be complex and challenging. During work shifts, try to engage in these behaviors: Working in partnerships or in teamsRegular check-ins with…
Angela J. Tindle-James 2.1.1974 – 3.30.2021 Angela James was many things to many people – a dear friend, confidant, teacher, mentor, coach, daughter, sister, aunt, soul mate, care giver. To know her was to love…
This month’s DAISY Award winner is Ryan Whitesell, an RN in our 3ICU area. He was nominated by the family member of a patient who experienced significant loss yet found solace in the kindness and…
Would your department be willing to donate a basket for the 2021 Mothers Day Basket Auction fundraiser? Proceeds benefit the Partners in Caring Fund, a financial assistance program to help Riverside employees in times of crisis. …