Medicare Annual Enrollment Period: Helping Patients Avoid Sickness and Complications
As our patients continue to shop and enroll in Medicare plans, they’re searching for options that’ll not only cover care when they’re sick, but help them avoid illness in the first place. The Simplete® Medicare…
Infection Prevention Around the Holidays
The holidays are right around the corner. Many of us are contemplating celebrations and gatherings with loved ones. While the holidays may look at little different this year, by paying attention to safe practices we…
Online $5 Jewelry Sale to Benefit Patient Touches
We’re hosting our online $5 jewelry sale just in time for stocking stuffers. Join us Monday 11/23-Wednesday 11/25. Proceeds will benefit Riverside’s Patient Touches Fund. Shop at, enter 5771 at checkout…
Well in Mind: Managing Holiday Stress
Acknowledge your feelings: Recognize any sadness, grief, loneliness, or anxiety that might be present.Reach out: If you are lonely, seek out community. If you are stressed, talk to friends or family about your concerns. Try…
Ugly Mask Contest Winners Announced
Teddi Lewis of Pastoral Care won the individual contest & the residents of Miller won the group contest for the MarketPlace Gift Shop’s 2020 Ugly Mask Competition. Each received holiday prize baskets and Teddi’s win…