Friends group
Coming soon My friends group, I will be announcing my annual friends group picnic for september in the next week or so , If anyone needs any info. on this group please contact me anytime…
DAISY Winner: Bailey B.
Congratulations to our newest DAISY winner, Bailey. Here is the story: Today, I ended up having to go to the ER to get checked out during my shift and Bailey was called to come…
2024 June Daisy Honoree/Nominees
Congratulations to our June DAISY honoree Bailey Boswell. Read Bailey’s Story KathrynBoudreauRN/ICU 3JulieLawrenceRN/IMCUPresleyKoernerRN/ICU 3HannahLoweRN/Labor & DeliveryLauraHealyNP/Kankakee Immediate CareJulieHearneRN/RMG Women & ChildrenMarisOlsonRN/Labor & DeliveryEmilyMoritzRN/Bourbonnais Primary CareMaximilianAicherRN/ICU 3LetriciaFliegeOn Call Coordinator/Home Health KristaBartonNP/Coal CityMeghanDavisRN…
2024 2Q Butterfly Honoree/Nominees
Congratulations to the second quarter Butterfly Award Honoree Kathi. Read Kathi’s Story AaronPittmanCNA/4 RehabAndreaRobinsonCNA/4 RehabJennaSalzmanCNA/5 Med PedsNatalieBectonUnit Sec.-CNA/Procedural CareIvoryBoydCNA-Mental Health Tech/Geri PsychBrendaPomerCNA/5 Med PedsKristiDenaultCNA/5 Med PedsJefferyLambertCNA/4 Rehab KathiCintoraCNA/Medicare Unit- Butterfly HonoreeMaeGraffeoCNA/Medicare UnitManuelGuerreroCNA/NH…