Attitude of Gratitude Photo Contest - What is Happiness?

    Below are photos that were submitted for the What is Happiness – Attitude of Gratitude photo contest.

    Madison M. – Happiness to me is going outside of your comfort zone with the ones you love and creating lasting memories! This is from a helicopter ride that my husband surprised me with down the coast of Gulf Shores, Alabama!
    Lori-Ann – Happiness is hanging with my girls Bindi and Bella
    Shari S. – Happiness is sitting and relaxing with Parker and Winston at the state park.
    Alexi W. – Happiness is watching my 2 boys grow up and experience life together as best friends <3
    Cindy S. – Happiness is my co-worker and friend!
    Teddi L. – Happiness is my friend and co-worker Cindy
    Shelleigh S.
    Justin B.

    Laura H. – Seeing my son so happy, curious, healthy, and smiling brings me so much happiness!