Riverside’s new Leave of Absence/FMLA Administrator is The Standard as of 1/1/2024
In order to provide improved communication and approvals of FMLA/Leave of Absence management for Riverside employees, we are transitioning from Prudential to The Standard for all FMLA/Leave of Absence coordination effective 1/1/2024. The Standard has been in business for over a century with a focus on employee benefits (life and disability).
I am an employee wanting to request a leave of absence, or have questions/absences to report for an approved Leave of Absence. What do I do?
Call The Standard’s Leave of Absence Management Service Center at 888.895.0381. They are open 7AM to 7PM CST, Monday through Friday. Or you can log in in at standard.com/absence. NOTE: You will need to create your account as a first-time user and there are directions on the site to guide you. See the attached document for more information.
I’m on a leave of absence now that was approved by Prudential. Do I need to do anything?
Current employees approved for a Leave of Absence/FMLA are receiving letters sent to their homes by The Standard explaining the process. Prudential has provided recently requested/approved/current Leave of Absence information to The Standard on 1/2/2024. You will not need to do anything beyond directing questions to The Standard on/after 1/2/2024.
Please refer to the Leave of Absence Policy in PolicyStat for more detailed information. If you have questions for Riverside staff, please feel free to email: [email protected].