Butterfly Award winner: Hawawu Balogun

When I saw Hawaii I immediately felt at ease. I was having a bad morning during my hospital stay. I was receiving great care from all the staff but was having a bad morning. I woke up feeling very anxious about my future and what was going to happen to me, I was on edge. I called for help and Hawaii came into my room. She asked me what was wrong and I bursted into tears. Hawaii comforted me and made me feel at ease and safe. She listened to me and treated me with patience and respect. I had not had a bath in a few days so she got me all cleaned up. She carefully washed my entire body and put lotion my skin. She wet washed my hair which felt amazing. She stayed with me for 45 minutes which I knew was a long time to stay with just one patient. I felt so clean and fresh which made me less anxious. Her caring presence was a god send. She was my angel in disguise. I hope she is chosen for this award. She is a caring dedicated professional and a wonderful human being. I felt so well taken care of by Hawaii. I think she would make a great trainer and teacher because she really knows her stuff and how to treat patients with kindness, respect, and patience.