Pulmonary Rehab Week – Patient Story
Joyce F. started in the Pulmonary Rehab program back in 2020. She attended regularly, met her goals,
and graduated the program. She later enrolled the Cardiac Rehab program and graduated from that
program as well. Joyce decided to she wanted to continue to attending at the Kankakee
Cardiopulmonary Rehab location so she can continue to improve and reach new goals. She returned to
the program at the beginning of February of this year. Her goal was to be able to walk 1 mile within 1
month of returning. Joyce was able to complete that goal and was so happy that she cried tears of joy.
She asked the staff to take her picture so she could send it to her kids. Her kids were so happy for her as
well, that they posted it on social media. The Cardiopulmonary Rehab staff is also happy for Joyce and
what she has been able to accomplish with our programs. WAY TO GO JOYCE!!