Care Coordination Team Donates Wagon for Relay for Life

Thank you so much Coordination Center for teaming up and putting together this donation wagon/basket!

We used the remaining funds from our t-shirt fundraisers for the wagon and items from everyone who generously donated to create this awesome prize!
It will be raffled off at the Relay for Life to raise funds for American Cancer Society. It is sure to catch the eye of many and be a big winner!

A special thank you to Jeni Gutierrez for leading up the project!
She has a couple more items in her car to add to this before delivering to Riverside’s Community Liaison, Nancy Moore.
Thank you Nancy for all of your hard work and including Coordination Center in this opportunity to give back!

For those of you that can, be sure to attend the Relay for Life this Saturday!
It is a very uplifting event and if you love raffle baskets, there will be a lot of them to try and win!