Holiday BINGO and Holiday Hat Day at PCABB
Primary Care Associates of Bourbonnais has been Celebrating the 12 (working) days of Christmas since December 7th. Today is BINGO day! We are utilizing our chat to play BINGO throughout the day to win fun holiday prizes and of course chocolate!
We have had or will be doing these activities to celebrate the holidays:
12/7: Wear your holiday socks
12/11: Hot Chocolate Bar
12/12: Traditional Christmas Breakfast potluck where staff brought in dishes that are traditional in their homes for holiday breakfasts
12/13: Ugly Sweater Day and bring in your stocking to hang; staff then bring in a $1 item to put in each stocking hung in lieu of a gift exchange
12/14: Holiday Trivia via Trillian
12/15: Holiday Appetizer Potluck
12/18: Cookie Day
12/19: Holiday Bingo, wear your holiday hat and a potluck
12/20: Dress Like a Holiday Character Day
12/21: Holiday Crosswords
12/22: Ugly Sweater/festive wear Day and Department Holiday Party