Second Annual PCABB Christmas Cookie Bake-off!
Last year PCABB had their first ever cookie exchange which became a cookie contest when Site Supervisor, Laura Meents’s grandparents happened to come in that day for their Medicare Annuals. Grandpa (as he is referred to by all in the office) is a big fan of a cup of coffee and a treat in the afternoon so he agreed to taste test each cookie to pick a winner. This year the new tradition was created with the Second Annual PCABB Cookie-Bake off which was conveniently scheduled the day Grandpa would be in again. Grandma passed away in August so having this to look forward to has helped make this first holiday season a little brighter for Grandpa. The staff and providers always look forward to his visits and he is very much family to everyone at PCABB. The love shown to him is very appreciated by Laura too.