Medicare Annual Enrollment Period - Busting Common Myths About Medicare Advantage Plans

    It’s Medicare Annual Enrollment Period and your patients might have questions about Medicare Advantage plans. Help them separate myth from fact.

    Myth – Medicare Advantage plans don’t offer access to enough providers.
    Fact – The government makes sure all Medicare Advantage members have access to in-network providers. Plus plans must find a doctor and cover their services at the in-network rate if they don’t have an in-network specialist for a member’s specific condition.

    Myth – With Medicare Advantage you need a referral to see a specialist.
    Fact – Many plans, including the Simplete® plans we offer through Health Alliance™, don’t require you to get a referral, although a member’s doctor might.

    Myth – Low premiums mean the coverage must be bad.
    Fact – A plan with a low or $0 premium doesn’t mean it offers bad coverage. In some cases, these plans even cover extra services, like dental, vision and hearing.

    Myth – A Medicare Supplement plan gets you more coverage than a Medicare Advantage plan.
    Fact – Medicare Supplement plans cover only the services Original Medicare does. Medicare Advantage plans can offer additional coverage. They often include drug coverage and extras, like dental, vision, fitness perks and more.

    Please remind your patients to review their coverage by December 7. They can learn more by:
    • Calling (877) 642-4753 (TTY 711).
    • Attending a webinar to learn about our Simplete Medicare Advantage plans.
    • Visiting this page about Medicare and this link about our Simplete plans.
    • Visiting to view plans, enroll and more.