Medicare Annual Enrollment Period: Medicare and Veterans Affairs Benefits

    Did you know that even if our patients receive Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare benefits, the VA still encourages them to sign up for Medicare? There are many reasons why veterans should consider having both VA and Medicare coverage once they turn 65:

    • To use VA benefits, veterans must get care at a VA facility or have the VA preauthorize their care elsewhere. When veterans also have Medicare, they can get care at non-VA facilities and have Medicare cover it.

    • Veterans might have a copayment when using VA benefits for care unrelated to their military service.

    • If the VA only preauthorizes some services or a certain number of days at a non-VA facility, Medicare might pay for other services or days needed.

    • With Medicare Part D, veterans can get medications from local pharmacies and non-VA doctors and mail-order services, instead of using the VA mail-order service.

    • With Medicare Advantage plans, veterans can combine their healthcare coverage with dental and vision services, wellness programs and more.

    • The Simplete® Medicare Advantage plans we offer through Health Alliance™ provide a network of local doctors and access to health coaches, care coordinators and more.

    Veterans can learn more by viewing this flier.

    Please remind our patients to review their Medicare coverage by December 7. They can learn more by:

    • Calling (877) 642-4753 (TTY 711).
    • Attending a webinar to learn about our Simplete Riverside plans.
    • Visiting this page about Medicare and this link about our Simplete plans.
    • Visiting to view plans, enroll and more.

    Article provided by Health Alliance.