Riverside Employee Food Pantry
A food pantry for Riverside Employees is now open. The pantry is set up in the Cyber Café, located in the back of the cafeteria dining room, and has been stocked thanks to donations from the Partners In Caring fund.
This pantry is available for those employees who need it. There is no direct monitoring of who takes food, how much or why. We only ask that you take what you need, as you need it. The access code is 1-2-3-4.
We also know that our employees are generous people and will want to know how to support their colleagues in need. Donations of healthy food can be made by dropping them off to the Volunteer Services office Monday through Friday. Food donations must not be expired or have container damage. In addition, monetary donations can be made by giving to Partners In Caring via payroll deduction by emailing Lauren Short at [email protected], or by credit card online at riversidehealthcare.org/give.
Adopt a week of groceries! Here’s how:
Many departments have volunteered together to collect monetary donations to cover a week (or more) of groceries for the pantry!
The MealTrain calendar below allows you or your department to adopt a week of groceries for Riverside employees in need. That’s approximately a $250 fundraising goal or just 10 donations of $25 each.
Interested? Take 4 easy steps!
1) Sign up for the week your department wants to adopt to cover the food pantry grocery bill.
2) Watch for an e-mail toolkit from Volunteer Services with promotional flyers, tips, and payroll deduct forms.
3) Promote your department fundraiser and act as the point person to collect donations of cash, checks, or employee deduction forms to benefit the food pantry!
4) Turn in your total raised, get a photo with your work team, and celebrate the impact you made for fellow employees in need!