Samaritans of the Year Announcement
Each year I work with the leadership of our Foundation to identify a special person or couple for the Samaritan of the Year Award. Begun in 1974, this annual tradition has honored those who have given generously and significantly over time to the mission of Riverside. In recent years,
that list includes longtime board members Harry and Jaymie Simmon (2019) and Riverside physician, Dr. Stonewall McCuiston (2018).
This year we considered how the Samaritan Award might place an important light on your extraordinary service these last few months. Therefore, I am proud to announce, that the 2020 Samaritans of the Year are: You, the Employees of Riverside Healthcare.
Congratulations! While our typical announcement of the award occurs during the Samaritan Dinner, we have instead developed a video to capture some of the extraordinary ways you have gone above and beyond this year to serve our patients and each other. In addition, you can look
for recognition in the Daily Journal this weekend.
Please take a few minutes to watch the combined State of Riverside/ Samaritan of the Year video in Ollie by searching “townhall”. Soon it will be available on our website as well, for you to share with others.
Please know the deep appreciation of our board of directors, the senior leadership team, and myself.

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