Well in Mind: Understanding Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

    March is Self-Harm Awareness Month.  When people experience depression and anxiety, they may engage in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI).  NSSI is intentionally inflicting harm to the body but without intention of dying.  NSSI is not a mental illness, it is a sign someone is going through serious psychological distress 

    How to Deal With Self-Harm
    Emotions can be really painful sometimes. It’s totally normal to need ways to cope with and process the hard things in your life. If you are using self-harm to manage your emotions, here are some ways to push through, process, and cope with your emotions.

    • Text to cool down:  If you’re dealing with painful emotions, you can reach out to a crisis text line to connect with a real human and strategize healthy coping mechanisms to manage your emotions. Text HOME to 741741.
    • Get creative:  Studies show that making art can help people process emotions.  Next time you feel like self-harming, grab a marker and doodle your worries away. A bonus: you reap the same rewards even if you’re no good at it!
    • Find your Zen:  Keeping yourself safe from self-harming is all about finding healthy alternatives to work through the hard stuff. Taking time to re-center through meditation to be a powerful way to find your cool and calm. Try using an app like Headspace.
    • Talk to a professional: Self-harm is serious.  Talking to someone who can help you find alternatives is incredibly important.

    Well In Mind is here for you.  Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointmentor to ask about your EAP benefits.