Well In Mind’s Self-Care Tip of the Week
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
Below is a curated list of mental health resources, personally selected by your Well In Mind EAP team to support you:
Websites, Online Programs
- “One Year Later”- a FREE, 10 day guide toward healing the many losses and hardships caused by the pandemic: https://www.talkspace.com/healing
- “Lifelines”– A FREE online program and resources towards self-acceptance related to mental health: https://www.lifelines.com/
- Real Mental Health- A monthly subscription program to track your well-being, engage in different pathways towards wellness, and access to therapist led virtual events and roundtables: https://www.join-real.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1a6EBhC0ARIsAOiTkrGrWJm5ZXe5qFbGtfPjnZbT2VbtsndF0vYHOPEcqfFzIrHRYjIe8B8aAjp_EALw_wcB
- Happify- A website based in positive psychology that has articles, quick tips, and webinars to boost joy and resilience: https://www.happify.com/
- Character Strengths– Take a free assessment to discover your character strengths, and learn how to utilize them to increase resilience: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths-via
- Grief support: https://whatsyourgrief.com/
- Grief support: https://grief.com/
- Healing Health- Free online coloring pages and guided meditations: https://www.healinghealth.com/covid-resources/
- To find human service resources in Kankakee and Iroquois Counties: https://www.kanihelp.org/
- “Mental Health Conditions”- an overview of a variety of mental health disorders, including information about symptoms, causes, risks, and treatment options: https://www.talkspace.com/mental-health/conditions/
- The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown: improve self-worth and confidence
- The anxious thoughts Workbook, David Clark: improve intrusive thoughts that are part of anxiety, obsessions, and depression
- The 7 principles for making marriage work, Dr. John Gottman: from 30 years of research, 7 principles for enhancing and restoring marriage
- The self-care prescription, Dr. Robyn Gobin: An in-depth and easy to utilize resource for intentionally enhancing self-care across life areas
- 6 Mental Health Podcasts to Boost your Well-Being: https://my.happify.com/hd/6-mental-health-podcasts-to-boost-your-well-being/
- Unlocking Us, Brene Brown: Learn about vulnerability and strength and resilience (podcast)
- The Healing Catalyst, Dr. Avanti Kumar Singh: an MD and ayurvedic practitioner that discusses holistic stress management and wellness (podcast)
Instagram Accounts to Follow
- Mswjake (Instagram) – shares helpful and empowering information on trauma and healing
- Findyourshinetherapy (Instagram) – shares helpful and empowering information on a variety of mental health topics
- Curious.parenting (Instagram)- helpful for parents trying to manage tough child behaviors
- Psychedmommy (Instagram)- wonderful for mom’s feeling burnt out
- Biglittlefeelings (Instagram)- tips for parents with toddlers having tantrums
- Mommyonthemove (Instagram) – fun for busy mom’s, validating and humorous
- Dralicepsyd (Instagram) – support for post-partum/moms
- Jayshetty (Instagram) – variety of support for a well-rounded and whole life
- Psych_today: learn about mental wellness and tips for enhancing it
- The Holistic Psychologist (Instagram)- shares helpful and empowering information on a variety of mental health topics
- Journey_to_wellness_ : graphics on how to cope with anxiety and depression
- Rootd: Contains lessons on wellness, breathing exercises, a journal, visualizations, and sleep tools
- Calm: a large variety of music and recorded meditations, imagery, breathing exercises, and check-ins to reduce stress, anxiety and insomnia
- Sanvello: track symptoms and access meditation, learning modules, and other skills/activities to improve your mental health. Also includes anonymous community for support
- Rise Up: eating disorder recovery support
- Gratitude Garden: based on positive psychology, increase your gratitude to decrease depression and stress
- Jour: Journal prompts, breathing tools, insights
- MHU: an app that teaches you the basics of mental illness, and has resources for what to do if someone is having a mental health crisis
- Happify: An app (based off of the website listed above) that has tools and resources to boost resilience and decrease symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
- Thefabstory: app for improving habits
Well In Mind is here for you. Call 815-933-2240 to schedule an appointment or to ask about your EAP benefits.